Tag "Ejaculation"

Dear KD 10 Comments

Dear KD: I Am Concerned About My Watery Cum

I don’t know if I am supposed to be concerned about this or not. But seeing as it is new territory for me, I felt I should speak out and

The Happenings 32 Comments

An Orgasm A Day Keeps The Prostate Cancer Away, Study Reports

Great news, guys! A new study has found that ejaculating at least once a day can help lower your risk of developing prostate cancer, the Mirror reports. 32,000 men participated

Editor's Desk 14 Comments

Empirical Evidence that Straight Men Are Joining Us Gay Men to Hell

Well there it is. If you didn’t know it, know it now. That is irrefutable fact that basically all men are hell-bound, be they hoes or prudes. *side-eyeing Max*