BEFORE I DIE: 6 (Be Good To Yourself)
My douche never leaves my bathroom. I have two of them. The stationary one in my bathroom, and the mobile one in my bag. All those times Batman Mum searched
Michael Sam to be on ‘Dancing with the Stars’
If this football thing doesn’t work out for Michael Sam, at least he has a fallback plan in place. According to multiple reports, Sam, the first openly gay man selected
The Prophet Must Hear This
Someone please alert TB Joshua. His deliveree is desecrating his body for all to see. I’m sure most of y’all have already seen the video clip from Jim Iyke’s movie,
Morning Humour XIV
LMAO! Those expressions in the picture kill me every time. This is a response bottoms so don’t wanna hear from a guy they’re just starting to like.