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From The Net 4 Comments

This Epic Rant Perfectly Breaks Down Heterosexual Privilege

The fact is LGBTQ people have to deal with challenges heterosexual people will never have to face. Twitter user @jermainedesign perfectly broke down exactly what that privilege entails in a

Gallery 25 Comments

Photo: Coming Out

This is the kind of offspring that a typical Nigerian family dreads. Lol

From The Net 2 Comments

How To Get Over Your Ex—And Love Again

In the past couple of months, I’ve been in a position where a few friends were undergoing heartbreak over ended relationships, and because of my battle to get over my


  1. Francis
    May 09, 07:32 Reply

    Beeches be retarded in their retardedness. ???

  2. KryxxX
    May 09, 08:20 Reply

    Lmaoooo! Oga read him his rights ho ha! Ndị odeakwụkwọ mahadum! ? ? ? ? ? ?. It is their type you will Check their results and see a very shaky “E” dancing ? atilogwu over their English self!

    O. A. Ń. Why do people take offense when one retracts a message on BBM? They go all “what did you retract” on you! I don’t get the idea that I have to explain why I retracted a message I sent to you! ????

    • Colossus
      May 09, 09:10 Reply

      It is a legitimate question, why did you retract it? You felt what you sent wasn’t strong enough to stand the test of time? To be scrutinized for all eternity?

      • KryxxX
        May 09, 09:41 Reply

        It’s not even the question that ticks me off self, it’s the way it is often ask. In the Ayam ready for fight” kind of way. A particular someone asked me never to retract a message when ever we chat! Like never. One actually picked up a fight, insisting I must show him what I retracted! Inukwa! Lekwa lee okoro oh! ? ? ?. What if I made a mistake and wanted to edit? What if I wrongly sent a message to you meant for another? ?. The ppl that put the button there, ishi e mebiri ha emebi?

        • Francis
          May 09, 09:52 Reply

          And you haven’t pressed block/delete?! Mscheew

  3. Fshaw
    May 09, 10:09 Reply

    Grindr or not. Some of us cannot stand bad grammar. Even the ones that write ‘were u?’ Instead of ‘where are you?’ I try so much to overlook it but i just can’t.

    • Bain
      May 09, 11:32 Reply

      “Am in Abj”…
      ” were r u”…

      those things pinch my body sha…

  4. Dana Opal
    May 09, 11:35 Reply

    Is there an online hookup app like Grindr for females?

    Hope this is not a lame question..

    • Bibi g
      May 11, 12:21 Reply

      Yes there is it’s called “Her” check on AppStore

  5. ambivalentone
    May 09, 11:47 Reply

    If you actually knew, u wouldn’t use it. Nobody’d use grindr if it were full of programming errors, would they?

  6. Delle
    May 09, 17:50 Reply

    Funniest thing being that he got none correct. After all the bitch-spark.

    I could be a Nazi like that sometimes. Kikikiki

  7. Cleopatro
    May 09, 22:06 Reply

    Grindr should be scrapped! All in favour of taking down Grindr say aye

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