PhotoGrid_1466632584094This case of alert is quite peculiar in that the picture above seems not to be the perpetrator of the gay set-ups. The victims of this criminal(s) have testified that they get roped to Okomaiko and beyond, after chatting with the Facebook profile that goes with the name ‘Chris Okolie’. Apparently, it’s not just one person; they are a group of young, hungry guys, and they also seem to know all the Nigerian gay lingo that can make one feel comfortable enough to get friendlier with the responder.

So guys, be careful with your hookups and once again, if your gut instinct tells this one ain’t fresh, it most probably isn’t.

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The guys at Ikotun are still on Grindr, perpetuating evil. Apparently, the picture below (perhaps someone not even related to their crimes) is what they are using to lure their


  1. Jeez
    June 29, 06:17 Reply

    Thanks for the alert. I accepted a request from that fb account days ago.

  2. Verified
    June 29, 06:19 Reply

    Jesus! I know this guy. Never met him before though but he’s been pushing for me to come to his end. I live close to the said axis. He says he owns a supermarket along that Iyana Iba road or something and works in the Festac Local Govt. Office. He goes with the name Prime with phone number 0817 456 5832. I wish I could post some shots of our conversations here and some of his pix. I met him on Mj. At some point he said he was in Asaba, that I should come all the way. My question to him was “are u sure u are ok”? He responded, “if u love me u can make it” I just laughed and ignored him. After like 3 months he “hied” me and I “hied” him back. He suddenly tells me he had been moved back to Lagos. I told him congratulations and that was it.

    Thanks for the info.

  3. Verified
    June 29, 06:39 Reply

    You know, last year when I was about going for vacation, I just chipped in the conversation to him (cos I was getting fund of him) he said he wanted us to go together and that I should do a visa for 2. I laughed and bluntly told him that my bae is coming all the way to Nigeria, and from here we are zooming off. Lo and behold, this guy told me that I don’t love him and I’m cheating on him. Said a whole lot of shit and I’m like what’s wrong with u self? I just thank God we never exchanged nude pix. Mehn, I’m just surprised as surprised could be. These evil children are just everywhere. Now I am talking to myself. Let’s all beware biko. Not all that glitters are gold!

  4. DI-NAVY
    June 29, 07:14 Reply

    OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS.He chatted me just a week ago and I almost read him to filth. his manner of approach was disgusting and i knew there was something shady about him. As old as he is, smh. He kept being so pushy about everything. tb this, tb that. smh. Never had interest in him. Never will.

  5. DI-NAVY
    June 29, 07:19 Reply

    I just blocked his ass. Disgusting son of a worm.

  6. ambivalentone
    June 29, 07:40 Reply

    He looks something to be used in VERY desperate times…like when u start seeing walking dicks cos that bent posture is just not it.

  7. Aj
    June 29, 08:05 Reply

    You guys should be careful with who you deal with. No be every prick you suppose chop. Be watchful! Make your enquires. Do not meet indoors. It is essential your first meeting must be in a public environment. God help us.

  8. geeluv
    June 29, 08:37 Reply

    this kito business is becoming too lucrative in Nigeria o ooo. biko we really should stop hooking up with people online.

  9. Too clean
    June 29, 09:21 Reply

    How come all these stories of kito don’t happen close to me or close to someone I know?

    Sometimes when I read stories of this nature,I keep asking myself if I am in another planet…because it’s like its very far from me…

    Not like I am praying it should happen to anyone that I know but let me just use the word strange….

    I know one can’t be too careful enough…but..

    May I never meet them on Facebook or anywhere oooo

  10. Handle
    June 29, 09:34 Reply

    He was on Grindr too. Chatted with him some months back. Said he own a supermarket and work with the local government in Festac. Was too pushy or something happened and that made me ignore him

    I should had blocked him. Now he has my pic, sigh. I should learn to block people more often.

    • Pink Panther
      June 29, 09:37 Reply

      That’s exactly his M.O. That owning a supermarket in Festac shtick.

  11. Verified
    June 29, 09:45 Reply

    Told me same thing about the local Govt thing and the supermarket as well.
    This is the first time I am coming close to knowing who the bad guys are.
    One can’t be careful enough though….

    • Sasha
      June 29, 11:10 Reply

      Alright we’ve heard you oh!!!

      ?????*claps over your head

    • Verified
      June 29, 15:45 Reply

      Biko drop the clap o. These things needs to be sounded in our ears..

  12. KingBey
    June 29, 10:54 Reply

    This one’s prey will mostly be small boys. No matured guy will fall for his bullshit. I wish he can chat me…..make I use am play. LMAO

  13. Grignard
    June 29, 11:05 Reply

    At last pinky heeded to my plea, I know you told me to ask my friend to send in his kito story and my friend refused……

    His real name is Kingsley not prime nor Chris. He works with a group of gangs.

    Well what he told me 2years back, it was different from the norm here.
    Like he wrote, he is a chieftaincy holder, he hails from asaba but lives in Lagos, dude went as far as showing me his nude, *Dropbox* should have it *pensive*
    I could go on and on, but if pp can go through my chats with him, I did some screenshots and sent them over.
    This dude is a crook and he must pay for torment and torture I had to go through, the night my friend called me to come pick him up in an uncompleted building way back.

    Chewing gum guys beware. He knows how to get dove with you, then he strikes……

  14. Grignard
    June 29, 11:09 Reply

    There is also another one lives at sabo, he is a sales attendant @dosumu area of Lagos island.
    He is an Alfa, that one once he approaches you and you decline then he comes out with all claws?☠???for you.

    #those days of hook up.

  15. Kerr
    June 29, 11:16 Reply

    Why is it that we hear of these situations and people from places like festac, satellite , iyana iba, and that amuwo axis….

    • Sasha
      June 29, 13:41 Reply

      if the name sounds funny, Run!!
      Alimosho, Igando, ikotun Egbe, Okokomaiko, Mafolokun, agbado, etc

  16. Dennis Macaulay
    June 29, 11:30 Reply

    This is one of the reasons I am so grateful that we started this site. To keep exposing scumbags like this.

    Good job Pink Panther!

  17. charloxy
    June 29, 11:48 Reply

    Last weekend…a close friend had a kito experience in Asaba,Ibusa precisely,met the guy in question on facebook,am yet to get the full details but will send PP details about it all…at last he was bailed with 50k,we all have to be extremely careful

    • Brian Collins
      June 30, 20:16 Reply

      Aha now I thought we were through with those asaba guys after the kito story that was written almost a year ago

  18. Chandler B.
    June 29, 14:30 Reply

    *smiles inwardly*
    I met this mofo on Grindr. Chatted for a while, said he stays in Ojo and then he dropped his number, 08175833610.
    He kept showing telltale signs that he isn’t who he claims to be and experience has given me a 6th sense to these sort of things and people.
    Once people aren’t consistent with information they reveal about themselves or information you reveal to them about you; once they can’t call when you ask them to, always giving one excuse or the other, or pick up your call to them when it rings; once they are very pushy for you to visit and keep dropping stupid incentives to persuade you to come, especially if they insist that you come over to their place or their street; if they can’t send you a spontaneous picture the moment you ask for it; JUST BE WARY. BE VERY WARY.

    Don’t gamble with your life. Happiness isn’t just one dick away.

    • ambivalentone
      June 29, 17:01 Reply

      I hate all these things you av just listed o. Does that make me less gay or more threat to the gaybourhood?

        • ambivalentone
          June 29, 20:38 Reply

          Nope. I hate to share pics, so sending random pics is outta it. I actually do not like calls above a minute so why bother calling sef. I used to love chatting, but can’t find that spirit and can never remember chat trends…which is why truth is very important to me…well not whole truths anyway. Just comfy stuff. So, does that make me less gay or more threat?

          • Chandler B.
            June 30, 07:43 Reply

            Neither. It just means you don’t often meet people using online social platforms. You’re a ‘gay cave man’, you know, those first men that strike stone against stone to make fire instead of using match sticks or lighters that are quicker, easier and less stressful.

  19. Clive
    June 29, 15:27 Reply

    This is my first time commenting here, and I have to say that I really don’t understand how people can be attracted to that razz looking dude up there.

    The signs are always there for the discerning mind, we should learn to assess people properly before hooking up with them, don’t let your horniness and desperation for a dick unequally yoke you with this one and his ilk.

  20. Chizzie
    June 29, 18:52 Reply

    Just add that you listen to Florence and the Machine or some very cool indie acts to your Grindr pfl and these types will never approach you.

    Works like a charm ??

  21. pete
    June 29, 19:53 Reply

    Nice one. Due diligence is a necessity if you must hook up online. I’m yet to get the hang of online hookups when schools, churches, markets, offices etc are teeming with gays.

    • Pink Panther
      June 29, 20:13 Reply

      And right at the tomato stall, just as you’re pricing next to your fellow shopper whose setting off your gaydar, you can tell the tomato seller, “Madam wait first” and turn to him with a smile, “Hi I’m Pete.”
      Like that, yea? 😀

      • pete
        June 29, 20:56 Reply

        Pinky, lol but they are teeming everywhere. Like most things in Nigeria, you need tact & wit.

    June 29, 20:24 Reply

    Stick to young str8 boys and you will never experience kito.

    Shame people for this kinda of guys. Rachet shit!

    • posh6666
      June 30, 00:25 Reply

      Young straight boys how?u mean convert them or whts Ur point exactly? Having a crush or hanging around a straightboy isn’t that a potential kito waiting to happen…Explain better pls

      • Cedar
        June 30, 01:04 Reply

        exactly bro, I really cant wrap my head round it.
        1, how young can d young be? like 16yr old’s u mean?
        2, since they r straight, don’t u fink daz where d main gobe go come out?
        whatever happens, no child molestation pls, cos if ur gay, daz forgivable but if u add molestation to dat, bros u just can’t make heaven, finito.

  23. blackpanther
    June 29, 21:02 Reply

    i fell victim to that picture above last august, the experience is still very fresh.

  24. Shuga chocolata
    June 30, 06:08 Reply

    Just like chizzie said, it works for me too , just last week some one was begging me to remove my DP on grindr,? dude was scared, but I do care for myself.

  25. kruz
    June 30, 10:34 Reply

    Thank Heavens! I just dodged the bullet.
    This idiot was my friend on facebook.
    He wanted us to meet up in Asaba, oh how I love my gut. It kept telling me this dude ain’t real!

  26. JIMMY
    July 29, 11:54 Reply

    i fell victim to him last year in asaba, he also uses the number 08137052312

  27. C.J
    November 07, 17:06 Reply

    I wish I saw this info before falling prey to this bastards…the folks almost destroyed my life early dis year.. Even to the point of demanding a ransom from my mum..I made away with almost 40k..Thank God it’s all over

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