My Favourite TV LGBT Couples

My Favourite TV LGBT Couples

LGBT characters on TV shows started at a rather sluggish pace, and it wasn’t until a few years ago that we began to actually see them as regulars or having major recurring roles on primetime television series. We started to see their relatable background stories and eventually watch them have relationships, marriages, children, in-laws, mortgages, break-ups, civil unions and several other things that straight characters have endlessly thrown in our faces. Here are 22 of my favourite TV couples.

  1. TVc22 David and BriamDavid and Brian – The New Normal

The New Normal actually focuses on David and Brian, a happy gay couple with thriving careers looking to add a baby to the family. NBC however axed the Ryan Murphy sitcom after just one season.

  1. TVc21 Mary-Louise and NoraMary-Louise and Nora – The Vampire Diaries

Two sexy evil heretics; Mary-Lou is rigid and stuck in the past, and Nora is adjusting rather too quickly. Despite being unnecessarily mean, these two are a delight to watch, they are also TVD’s first main LGBT characters after the short stay of that Gemini twin boy (forgotten his name).

  1. TVc20 Pippy and TMIPippy and TMI – Rosewood

I decided to watch Rosewood despite the fact that it was critically panned because I get to see Morris Chestnut shine as the number one character, and honestly he makes the show ‘watchable’.

Pippy is Morris’s Character’s sister; a lesbian who, with her fiancée TMI, works at her brother’s pathology lab. You cannot see one without the other; they are inseparable and cute and funny but should brush up their acting sha.

  1. TVc19 jude and zeroJude and Zero – Hit the Floor

On an average day, Jelena keeps me going on this show; beside her and the many male bods, it’s a not-so-good show. The fact that Season 3 is taking them a year and a half to release means the end is near. It’s a Vh1 series, so no surprise there.

Zero is an egocentric bisexual basketball player who wants nothing but fun, and Jude is a ‘confused’ (I won’t call him closeted) gay agent for basketball players who is finally ready to break down the walls that were in the way of his happiness. Together these two are a very complicated couple.

  1. TVc18 Brittany-and-SantanaBritney and Santana – Glee

From BFFs to stealing kisses to being in love to falling out of love to getting back together to getting married.

  1. The Night Shift - Season 1Drew and Rick – The Night Shift

Drew and Rick are a military couple. Drew is also a doctor who was initially scared of coming because he felt his sexuality would be all people would talk about. Their relationship took a drastic turn after Rick’s amputation as they began to have issues.

  1. JEFF PERRY, DAN BUCATINSKYCyrus and James – Scandal

I always find it charming when I see Cy be all romantic. With the way he acts, one would think there is no room for emotions in life. Cyrus and James are two really different people who despite everything they put each other through (directly or indirectly), they really did love each other. Dan Bucatinsky’s portrayal of James till his exit from the show was really good; he even got an Emmy for it.

  1. TVc15 josh and AidenJosh and Aiden – The Originals

One is a young vampire who we thought would have died a long time ago; the other is a second-in-command cute werewolf. Initially, becoming exclusive was an issue because of the obvious rivalry between both sides, but they went for it eventually. Their romance was however short-lived as my dear evil Dahlia had other plans.

  1. Max and Ford – Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce

Most people don’t know about this show, but it’s fun to watch.

Max and Ford play secondary roles in this comedy series but have sufficient screen time to put them on this list. They are a young married couple with two cute biracial kids.

What I realised from watching these two is that, sometimes relationships could get boring and routine, and if you don’t pay close attention, loving your partner might not be enough to save the relationship.

  1. TVc13 Callie and ArizonaCallie and Arizona – Grey’s Anatomy

Honestly I can’t stand these two, but they have been through a lot together: Acceptance/Denial, Miscarriage, In-laws, Car Accident, Plane Crash, Marriage, Infidelity, Co-Parenting, amongst others. Season 12 already starts with Callie seeing someone else, so I guess it’s over for good this time.

  1. TVc12 Andrew and AlexAndrew and Alex – Desperate Housewives

I remember years ago when I used to fast-forward their scenes so that I won’t attract any attention to myself (Lol, paranoid much?)

Andrew Van de Kamp and his boyfriend-turned-husband-turned ex-husband were one of the few LGBT characters on primetime television (series shown between 8pm to 10pm) as at that time. Alex had too many issues for one person though.

  1. TVc11 Ray and KevinRay and Kevin – Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Sexy Andre Braugher plays Capt. Ray Holt and is married to Prof. Kevin Cosner, who hates cops because of the way Holt was treated as gay African-American during the early stages of his career. This however changed when the detectives of Holt’s precinct forced themselves into their private lives. I just love the way Capt. Holt says ‘My Husband’.

  1. TVc10 Dom and LynnDom and Lynn – Looking

Their mature relationship is what puts them on this list: a 39-year-old coming to terms with his relationship to someone even older.

  1. TVc9 Jamal and MichaelJamal and Michael – Empire

Well, almost everyone has seen Empire. Initially, they were this us-against-the-world couple, then Michael couldn’t stomach Jamal’s new attitude. Fast-forward to Season 2, and we see them together again with either Jamal trying to squeeze him into his ‘busy’ schedule or turning him to a handbag.

  1. TVc8 Stef and LenaStef and Lena – The Fosters

These lesbian super-moms have generally broken all family norms; they represent a new kind of family. The Fosters was even petitioned by (those ones should get a life or better still stop their children from watching TV).

Stef is a strict cop, and Lena is a selfless high school vice-principal. Together they have two adopted children, two foster children (later adopted) and one biological son from Stef’s previous marriage.

  1. TVc7 Kurt and BlaineKurt and Blaine – Glee

Aren’t they just adorable?

  1. TVc6 Lafayette and JesusLafayette and Jesus – True Blood

Why Nelsan Ellis never got any reasonable accolade throughout True Blood‘s run still baffles me. His acting was impeccable. Lafayette’s only meaningful relationship was to Jesus till his painful passing.

  1. TVc5 Piper and AlexPiper and Alex – Orange is the New Black

These two are trouble alone and double the trouble together. Their love-hate/on-and-off relationship is fun to watch though.

  1. TVc4 Connor and OliverConnor and Oliver – How To Get Away With Murder

It started off as a means to an end for Connor, till shit became real. From then on, we get to watch how things play out for this handsome ambitious lawyer and his nerdy computer lover, Oliver. The way they undress and just get into it though… Ay!

  1. TVc3 Lito and HernandoHernando and Lito – Sense8

This is love!!! The portrayal of their lives as a couple is spot-on. I always looked forward to their scenes. Forget the fact that they are handsome, or that the sex scenes were great; their acting alone was good enough for me. Miguel Ángel Silvestre (who plays Lito) invested real emotions, wit and vulnerability in portraying his character; his outburst of emotions when Hernando left was everything.

  1. TVc2 Cam and MitchellCam and Mitchell – Modern Family

Even those that don’t watch Modern Family must have heard about these two. Their sarcasm and chemistry is everything, and that mischievous child of theirs, Lily, compliments them.

  1. TVc Nomi and AmanitaNomi and Amanita – Sense8

Nomi and Amanita are a match made in gay heaven. Here is why they are my number 1: They are a ride or die couple (if you watch Sense8, you’ll understand); They used a gay pride coloured dildo (to celebrate LGBTQ pride parade); They understand each other; Good acting obviously; Nomi’s transition story; Amanita’s fashion sense.

Aside from the fact that they were on the run almost throughout the series, this is how I’d want my relationship to be.

Written by Eli Gold

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  1. Mandy
    November 21, 06:07 Reply

    Eli Gold, how dare you not include Agron and Nasir from Spartacus in this list, eh? Those two who loved fiercely even in the heat of so many battles, and looked very hot doing it… Kai!

    • Deola
      November 21, 07:51 Reply

      Preach Mandy, Preach!!

    • Max
      November 21, 08:05 Reply

      Preach hunnay!!

  2. Deola
    November 21, 07:49 Reply

    Kevin Walker and Scotty Wandell from Brothers and Sisters for how realistic and down to earth they are.

    Ian and Mickey from Shameless for being one of the most unique gay couples ever portrayal wise.

    Brian and Justin from Queer as Folk for sex scenes that gave me life.

    Noah and Wade from Noah’s Arc for sex scenes that gave me more life. 🙂

    And also Stephanie and Lena from The Fosters, they are just awesome.

    Some of these couples are just here as fillers I have to assume, especially Mary Louise and Nora, like NO, i cant stand either of them, when they arent being horrible to other people they are doing it to themselves, biko they can go.

    • Max
      November 21, 08:06 Reply

      ???? #VampiresWithWitchPower, what did you expect?

    • Pink Panther
      November 21, 08:32 Reply

      I just knew Deola would come up with a fodder of information that were not added.

    • Eli Gold
      November 21, 12:17 Reply

      OMG, Ian and Mickey!!! *hits head on d wall*

  3. Max
    November 21, 08:08 Reply

    Why did you include that cheating ass shameless low self esteem excuse for a boyfriend from empire?

    • Eli Gold
      November 21, 12:19 Reply

      They were still together when I wrote this article

  4. ikhines
    November 21, 08:20 Reply

    Mitch and Cam on modern family give me life. Get any homophobic person to watch them for 2/3 seasons and trust me….. worked for me!

  5. Rapum
    November 21, 09:08 Reply

    Curt and Blaine, my all time favourites. Followed by Oliver and Connor. I love how Oliver was able to get under Connor’s skin. My bestest couple isn’t listed here: Justin and Brian from Queer as Folk. Yheir relationship was real, honest, their love crazy as mad. Justin is very mature. I admire his character.

  6. ken
    November 21, 12:01 Reply

    I didnt see my all time fav couple there:
    Brian and Justin from Queer Ass Folks


  7. Chizzie
    November 21, 16:00 Reply

    Cam and Mitchell, definitely my fave . And Callie and Arizona, mostly because Arizona treats Callie like trash half of the time and keeps her guessing. Exactly how I treat most tops in my life.

    Plus no Tina and Bette from the L word? What has that show done to u PP?

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