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Photo: Famous Quote From TV Series ‘Hunting Season’

Have y’all seen the gay web series, Hunting Season? No? Well, you totally should. And in the meantime, I’ll just leave this here. šŸ˜€Ā 

Gallery 36 Comments

Photo Of The Day XVII

Awww, the blushing grooms. #OkBye Happy Gubernatorial Election Voting, guys. Stay Safe. Vote Wisely. And always bear in mind that it’s One Nigeria.


  1. FaƧade
    June 19, 04:28 Reply

    Lol, our new president looks like he has a long tongue tho

  2. Max
    June 19, 04:45 Reply

    Old joke.. Next please

  3. KryxxX
    June 19, 04:57 Reply


    OAN: I think somebody should get our dear Messiah! Our beloved President! The Moses/Musa of our time…….. Somebody piss for d sake of God, our sanity nd his health, a Glam squad on public speaking/speech! Adding a historian/current affair analyst won’t be a bad idea too.

    • Tiercel de Claron
      June 19, 07:01 Reply

      The man has an accent,as you do.Nothing wrong with his speech/public speaking.

      • pete
        June 19, 08:21 Reply

        kryxxx wasn’t referring to his accent for instance, @ the G7 meeting in Munich, he referred to his host as West Germany. unification of Germany took place in 1990 (25 years ago)

      • KyrxxX
        June 19, 10:47 Reply

        Its quite refreshing to know we still have ppl on earth who dont walk about with d brain capacity of a tadpole nd try correcting others without assimilation!

        Tanx Pete!

    • Tiercel de Claron
      June 19, 11:30 Reply

      ‘brain capacity of a tadpole’,really KryxxX?.
      We know where to table your matter.
      @Pete,I get he referred to that too but everyone is prone to a mistake or two once in a while,even heads of state.Not everyone was born/raised in the 90’s to this time.
      Took me a while too,to drop the USSR for Russia

      • Mitch
        June 19, 13:58 Reply

        @Tiercel de Claron, KryxxX simply reacted to your calling him a Lackwit! That was quite denigrating to say the least and KryxxX merely returned the insult to you. So to avoid scenarios like this, please refrain from insulting people because they just might have sharper tongues than you.

      • Tiercel de Claron
        June 19, 17:43 Reply

        Oh,KryxxX has a sharp tongue but he well knows I didn’t intend nor mean an insult.
        We know where to settle the matter sha

  4. KryxxX
    June 19, 04:58 Reply


    OAN: I think somebody should get our dear Messiah! Our beloved President! The Moses/Musa of our time…….. Somebody pls for d sake of God, our sanity nd his health, a Glam squad on public speaking/speech! Adding a historian/current affair analyst won’t be a bad idea too.

  5. Sinnex
    June 19, 05:07 Reply

    Who would have thought that this picture would end up here…after trending for weeks.

  6. Ringlana
    June 19, 05:31 Reply

    You have never touch another man penis,But you have deep throat someone else penis?

    • Mercury
      June 19, 09:51 Reply

      Hmmmmmm, spill d tea biko. This looks sweet.

  7. Dennis Macaulay
    June 19, 06:21 Reply

    Abeg We are interested in the other Buhari! The younger one that leaves us all flustered

  8. kacee
    June 19, 06:59 Reply

    My GOD what’s this hehehehehe #socrazy #fasholaasamgm hmmmmm…

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