Photo Of The Day XXXVII
See kweshun o. Well, maybe not in Tejuosho, but of course we can. At night. In an unlit part of town. When Lagosians are too much in a haste to get home to notice the two men sneaking in some hand-holding. 🙂
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Photo Of The Day XXV
It seems Dennis Macaulay isn’t the only KDian with the penchant for ass-crack photography. Lol. KingBey took these a couple of days ago and sent them in for the delight
Photo: New Hollywood Movie Premiere
The critics are going gaga over this one. And the box office predictions look very promising. They’re saying it will be the next rom-com hit since The Other Woman. 🙂
July 31, 05:54I use to.. Prior to 2014
Pink Panther
July 31, 06:19*shifting forward* Warrapuned in 2014? 😀
July 31, 06:21They put a bounty on our head
Pink Panther
July 31, 06:37Say what now? :O
Pink Panther
July 31, 06:38Oh you just must tell that story for KD. 😀
July 31, 07:25Lol
shuga chocolata
July 31, 05:58I’ve done it. no biggie about it. even did so lst night very close to my area.
July 31, 06:08I don’t see any big deal in it……I’ve done it a couple of tyms wif my one-tym beastie! Oh sorry……one-tym bestie.
Pink Panther
July 31, 06:21Lol. I saw that o.
July 31, 06:34Ironically str8 guys do this all the time and its no big deal. Cuz no hidden motive.
Personally I really don’t fancy this. All them loving and romancing shii. Not my thing.
Pink Panther
July 31, 06:38It’s hand-holding, Tef. Not the exchange of vows at a gay wedding. 🙂
July 31, 08:03Ur so harsh with tef lmao
Pink Panther
July 31, 08:10Well, he asked for it. *blowing on my ever-un-dry manicure*
July 31, 16:00Chei! Lolzz pinky give Tef a chance..give love a chance!!!
Masked Man
July 31, 06:47When my straight friends do this with me, I just find a way to free my hands. Especially one particular one. Been meaning to seduce him, just biding my time.
July 31, 07:01Open intimate touch isn’t frowned upon here. It doesn’t exactly mean what it means abroad here. Nigerians are very expressive… However, if they gave reason to suspect you, the hand holding is going to strengthen their resolve…
Dennis Macaulay
July 31, 07:37Straight men hold hands all the time and nobody casts a second glance at them. Sometimes we are being paranoid for no reason, because I can bet that people won’t even notice you.
Except your nyash is big like PP’s own
Pink Panther
July 31, 07:46You just had to drop me into the equation, eh? Look! There are several big nyashes out there o. Locate Chizzie and ask him. He’ll testify to that. 🙂
July 31, 09:24Chizzie? Big Ass? I just dont get this correlation btw being fat nd big ass! An ass is legitimately considered big when d stomach is flat nd d owner doesnt have fat distributed all over! Cikena!
July 31, 09:41Na wa oooo, all this analysis upon nyash matter. Na so e pain you reach?
Pink Panther
July 31, 09:47Ouch! Kryxxx, ya just mean.
July 31, 16:39Harsh…
August 07, 19:03Sigh..i see idiocy still prevail.
July 31, 08:08One time i saw a hardcore tomboy holding one sweet feminine girl (that babe fine die, her skin, hmmmm) and people were just gawking at them, it was a beautiful site * dreams away*
Pink Panther
July 31, 08:12Replace that with a hardcore guy holding hands with an effeminate guy, and people may not stop at just gawking.
July 31, 08:40Yeah so true.
July 31, 08:09Well, yes…and nobody looks at them one kain. I’m not a toucher tho and get really uncomfy when ppl hang on
Tiercel de Claron
July 31, 08:16Done that severally with bae,in broad daylight too.
It’s no biggie,drop the paranoia and stop looking over your shoulders and no one will look twice at you
July 31, 08:59paranoia or no paranoia some places don’t see it as anything while some do. Please just be careful with bae
July 31, 09:04I hold hands with anybody especially in broad day light. I just love to stylishly check people’s reaction towards me(a manish-looking-no-trace-of-feminine-features-girl) holding hands with the most beautiful and attractive looking girls, some of whom are just friends or just met that minute. They just love to hold hands and who am I to decline such harmless offers. Hehehehe
July 31, 09:44I did not even notice them holding hands. All I see is ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS and more ASS.
July 31, 09:45I’ve done this in Tejuosho…yes.. …..yes I have done this in Tejuosho….. When the elderly man held my hand just to tell me ….that my fly was open.
Pink Panther
July 31, 09:48Hahahahahahaa!!!
July 31, 10:41I was recently given a kiss on the cheek… At the cinema lobby or whatever they call that area. It was sweet and I didn’t care that I got stares.
July 31, 10:43That must ve happened in d States
July 31, 13:38Sigh … freedom in tolerant parts of the globe … Nigeria in 2165…
Pink Panther
July 31, 15:55Hahahahaa. Khaleesi and his pessimism though
July 31, 17:46yelzz naw … u wan go hold hands with your boo in 2015 or even 2020? try it anywhere in Naija even in our biggest cities and see if you wont be turned into a broken bleeding mass of human tissue …
king dominic
July 31, 17:55I wish we can some day
July 31, 18:29Once any strait guy trys such body contact with me i quickly disengage myself abeg no need getting hot n bothered over sumtin i cant have…..Aint nobody got time for mind games or conversion if u want me better open up and say so dont go about calling me fineboy or holding my hand.
July 31, 19:44Lovely picture. Very simple yet has depth. Kudos to the photographer.