Get Your Pens and Calculators Ready. This Is The Gay Exam

Get Your Pens and Calculators Ready. This Is The Gay Exam


Time: 2Hrs 30MINS



1.You have dated a guy for two years. Eventually he drops you for another guy. Calculate the percentage of time wasted. (20 marks)

2. You bought a phone for your boyfriend and he gave it to another guy. Using trigonometric identities, derive a general formula for this type of love. (20 marks)

3. You’re well-off and a hoe, dating about 10 guys with birthdays in the same month. And each one is asking for either a Samsung Galaxy or an iPhone 6s for a birthday present. (a) Plot a graph of your boyfriends against the prices of phones. (15marks)

(b) Use your graph to estimate your future poverty (5marks)

4. You are dating other peoples’ boyfriends yet you go into a jealous rage at the thought that your boyfriend might be stepping out on you. Calculate the Percentage Error in your Thinking Capacity. (20 marks)

5. You’re a civil servant, your boyfriend’s parents are traders and their combined household income is less than 350k. Your boyfriend, who is awaiting his UME result, is using an iPhone 6s and Samsung Galaxy, both worth 350k. Calculate the Percentage of your Relationship Negligence. (20 marks)

6. You’re a Bottom and you have dated 20 Tops with hard labor. Use the Law of Diminishing Return to calculate the substance that will be left for your future husband to enjoy. (20 marks)

7. You can’t give your live-in lover 1k when he asks for it to make a good home-cooked meal for you. But you’d readily spend over 10k in bars and restaurants. Calculate the Radius of your Stupidity. Take p = 3.142 (20 marks)


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  1. Mandy
    February 02, 05:55 Reply

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!!! iDied! This just killed me.

  2. #Chestnut
    February 02, 07:33 Reply

    Lol. No.3: I hate plotting graphs like Kilode!

  3. Francis
    February 02, 08:43 Reply

    ?????? bet that Number 6 though ?

  4. Dennis Macaulay
    February 02, 08:45 Reply

    Question 1?

    I can write a thesis on that! The thesis will extend from Europe to Abu Dhabi!


  5. ambivalentone
    February 02, 08:55 Reply

    1) Uhm…
    2) Y buy a phone 4 ‘soon to be’ X???
    3) Correlation coefficient is 0.50. Doesn’t change d fact you wee be broke tho
    4) He’s carrying a world’s total percentage of stupidity with the jealousy
    5) (Sheep Squared stupidity + high grade Juju) squared X 100
    6) ‘O’ with a ringing hollow sound
    7) He’s a baller sir. Never drying oil wells of fountaining money.

    A+ sure na

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