Dear KD

Dear KD 44 Comments

Dear KD: I Want My Brother Rescued From Homophobia

In a typical Igbo setting, a male child is said to be a gift from heaven. The more male children a woman has, the more renowned and respected she is.

Dear KD 63 Comments

Dear KD: I Have A Condition Over Status And Family

FOREWORD: This is a follow-up on the idea of support proposed by Sensei. The idea is taking off. The official email address is And this is a call for

Dear KD 60 Comments

Dear KD: We Need A Solution to This Kito Story

The story is not one you aren’t familiar with. A recent acquaintance of mine in school was recently invited by a fellow who we all know is queer. When my

Dear KD 56 Comments

Dear KD: I Have A Question About Finding Love

How do guys find love, what with the harsh climes we live in? I always did wonder, because I hear of friends and stories of people finding love, hooking up

Dear KD 40 Comments

Dear KD: I’m In A Relationship With A Guy I’m Not Sure I Should Love

I accepted my sexuality five years ago, and I would say that I haven’t been so lucky with love. Life has thrown shit at me and I somehow bounce back