Our Stories

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Rape Is Not Only When There’s Blood And A Crying Girl

I can’t say I remember exactly how it started but on the night I just got home, slightly tipsy from alcohol, my brothers and I got into an argument about

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Time Changes Yesterday

Six years ago, I was in the university. And Ben was still trying to get an admission. We were classmates in secondary school, but we didn’t have much of a

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Four Years Later

It is exactly 4 years since the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) act was passed into law under President Goodluck Jonathan. I woke up the morning after the law was passed

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You CAN Lose What You Never Had

When I was a growing child, I had an image of what love was meant to be. It was what most kids saw when we watched our Disney cartoons –

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The Complexity of Human Sexuality

Human sexuality is a complex rainbow. If, like me, you were raised in Nigeria as an excessively religious person, but unlike me, you remain a religious fundamentalist jerk and homophobe

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So I was out with these guys. One of them was something I call a non-homophobic non ally. That is, he is not hateful towards the LGBT but is mostly

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I came into last year, 2017, with a renewed sense of self and a determination to no longer be apologetic with my sexuality. The reasoning that governed me was simple:

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It all started when I realized I had counted all the walls in the house. I began to notice architectural defects that had never before been of any concern to

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Ignore-Rant: A two-timing, despicable, and an undoubtedly dangerous word, vastly perpetuated, to the best of my knowledge, by humans. It’s like a shield, some cover, a hide away from the

Opinion Pieces 15 Comments

Let Your Anger Shine

My friend, let’s call him Puzzled Straight Man, engaged me on Facebook sometime in 2017, telling me that throwing shades at the fucker who had made homophobic comments was counterproductive.