Tag "Prejudice"

Editor's Desk 3 Comments

Lessons Learned From ‘She Called Me Woman’ (Entry 10)

[Click here for LESSON 9] LESSON 10 From the chapter, ‘What Is Happiness’, ZH says: “I believe in living like this: if someone is not hurting you, you do not

Series (Non-Fiction) 3 Comments


Dear Straight People I really do not understand some of you people. You really don’t have to be an LGBT ally, I swear. You don’t. Please if you aren’t, do

Our Stories 4 Comments

Hate Begets A Man

There were two things he hated most passionately – abortion and homosexuality. And because he was born so awesomely brilliant and had such extreme work ethics, he chased the profession

Editor's Desk 6 Comments


Dear Former Friend I had actually blocked you here on Facebook but I had to unblock you just to tell you something. I have often wondered why judgmental homophobic people

The Happenings 5 Comments

Nigerian woman gives her “expert” opinion on Homosexuality

As usual, Nigerians trot their prejudice about under the guise of “intelligence” and “psychological wokeness”.

Our Stories 8 Comments

If It’s Broke, Let God Fix It

Him: Hey, good morning! Me: Good morning buddy. Him: I know this might sound strange, but I really need to talk to you right now. Me: I’m listening. Go on.

Opinion Pieces 6 Comments

“But Who Have I Hurt If I Were Gay?” Chude Jideonwo’s Must Read Equality Speech

A speech by Chude Jideonwo One of the tragedies of human progress is this constant tug between two stubborn binaries: progressive and conservative. People often camp in front of their

Editor's Desk 4 Comments

Greenleaf And Why The Church Has Lost Its Authority To Judge

The following write-up is filled with spoilers. He lifted up himself, and said unto them, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

Our Stories 2 Comments

Dear Self Righteous Nigerian: Open Letter From a Humanist

Dear Self Righteous Nigerian At what point did we become so comfortable with raising glasses to murder, with saying cheers to the act of one man taking another man’s life?

The Happenings 4 Comments

Sodom And Gomorrah Does Not Support Sodomy Law, Says Anglican Archbishop

An Anglican Archbishop for the West Indies, the Rev Dr John Holder, says that there is no biblical basis for the support of the sodomy law by some who use