
Fiction 11 Comments

Finding Him Again

When Chinedu Okafor discovered, as a thirteen-year-old, that he enjoyed looking at the bodies of boys, it bothered him a lot as he knew this was not a normal thing

Our Stories 4 Comments

Four Years Later

It is exactly 4 years since the Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) act was passed into law under President Goodluck Jonathan. I woke up the morning after the law was passed

From The Net 1 Comment

Is Having HIV a Death Sentence?

Hornet, the gay social networking app, continues to release episodes from its “Ask A Pro” video series.  The most recent video endeavors to answer the age-old question of whether or

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You CAN Lose What You Never Had

When I was a growing child, I had an image of what love was meant to be. It was what most kids saw when we watched our Disney cartoons –

From The Net 4 Comments

This Epic Rant Perfectly Breaks Down Heterosexual Privilege

The fact is LGBTQ people have to deal with challenges heterosexual people will never have to face. Twitter user @jermainedesign perfectly broke down exactly what that privilege entails in a

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The Complexity of Human Sexuality

Human sexuality is a complex rainbow. If, like me, you were raised in Nigeria as an excessively religious person, but unlike me, you remain a religious fundamentalist jerk and homophobe

The Happenings 1 Comment

Right-Wing Host Tries to Discredit ‘Fire & Fury’ Author By Calling Him Gay

Because the year 2018 is apparently as sophisticated as a grade school playground, a conservative radio host has decided to clap back at Fire and Fury author, Michael Wolff by

Our Stories 10 Comments


So I was out with these guys. One of them was something I call a non-homophobic non ally. That is, he is not hateful towards the LGBT but is mostly

The Happenings 5 Comments

Sam Smith credits his new boyfriend Brandon Flynn with making him think he deserves to be happy

Sam Smith has said his relationship with 13 Reasons Why star Brandon Flynn has made him think he deserves happiness “for the first time”. The 25-year-old singing sensation has released

The Happenings 2 Comments

Trans woman wins $5 million, won’t share a dime with her awful children who rejected her

Melissa Ede hasn’t exactly had an easy life. The 57-year-old cab driver’s adult children, ages 19 to 39, completely disowned her when she transitioned into a woman, going so far