Coronavirus: Idris Elba is the latest Hollywood Star to test Positive for COVID-19

Coronavirus: Idris Elba is the latest Hollywood Star to test Positive for COVID-19

Idris Elba has tweeted that he’s tested positive for coronavirus, joining Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and a growing list of people who are self-quarantining.

Here’s his Tweet, in which he describes how it happened, and gives a realistic sense of the need to be cautious.

You hate to see anyone test positive, but much the way that Hanks did when he discussed his positive test, Elba might help demystify this terrible crisis. ?☹️??

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  1. Mitch
    March 17, 07:22 Reply

    The question is:

    Pink Panther, can your love withstand za Corona virus? Is you still gonna be with yo mans? ??????

  2. Bells
    March 17, 10:52 Reply

    Lol @ shettup. Pinky Pele o

  3. Higwe
    March 17, 11:07 Reply

    Idris Elba currently has an estimated networth of 25 million dollars …trust me , he’s going to be fine .

    What we should be most worried about is our own country Nigeria .

    Our health system is a mess .

    Isolation is not possible in an overcrowded country.

    Illiteracy and ignorance – how do you start telling your sixty year old relations that they have to isolate themselves ??‍♂️

    Religious fanaticism – people would rather go to churches seeking for miracles than going to hospitals . Thus exposing others to the disease .??‍♂️

    Fear / stigma….

    Poverty / preexisting diseases.


    The whole crap of black men being resistant to the disease has been proven as a scam.

    Thermophobia – another scam , the disease has thrived in Iran and so many other hot legions .

    What works for us ?

    A relatively young population.
    About 45 percent of Nigerians are around the ages of 15 and below unlike Italy (one country where the disease has had deleterious effects )with a much older population.

    What we should do?

    Pray – Contrary to what your pastors and clergymen will tell you , God loves the gays just as much as He loves the straights .
    This is the best time to run to Him .

    Maintain good hygiene – wash your motherfucking hands ! ??‍♂️

    If you can help it , don’t go swapping bodily fluids with strangers . Keep your damn legs closed and your saliva to yourself .

    This is nearly impossible in Nigeria but if you’re one the few previleged that can afford it , maintain safe social distance.

    How antibiotic soaps work in preventing viruses ?

    The virus is a self-assembled nanoparticle and the weakest link is the lipid bilayer. When you wash your hands with soap it dissolves the fatty membrane and the virus falls apart thus becoming “inactive”. *copied *

    All in all , let’s just pray that for some reason , this virus doesn’t become very active in Nigeria .

    Because if that happens , we might as well skip the grocery shopping and rather buy caskets .??‍♂️

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