“Leave Captain America Alone!” Anti-gay pastor accuses the LGBT of ruining comic books
Gay people are ruining everything, apparently – even comic books.
Steve Pauwels – a pastor in Londonderry, New Hampshire – is not very happy about the inclusion of gay and transgender characters in superhero comic books.
His anger led the openly homophobic pastor to call on his fellow anti-LGBT activists to rise up, as he warned the ‘Rainbow Mafia’ to “leave Captain America alone!”
In a bizarre column posted on BarbWire.com, the pastor claims that the so-called “rainbow mafia” – who, coincidentally, sound a lot like a gay version of The Avengers – has utterly contaminated “healthy male friendship”.
“Sodomite supremacists,” he writes, are driven by a “psychic rage” to completely destroy all culture – even comic books.
“When I was a teenager, Captain America was probably my favourite comic book hero,” he shares. “Every month I’d eagerly look forward to the newest issue of Captain America and the Falcon. The Falcon, you ask? He was the red-white-and-blue Avenger’s African-American partner — ‘partner’ as in crime-fighting teammate, not as in the fellow who, after a full day of busting bad guys with Cap, did things with him in the dark that would make most comic aficionados go, ‘Ewwwww.’ Yes, back in the mid/late 1970’s, ‘partner’ still just meant … well, ‘partner’; nothing more salacious.”
He then claims that the “semantic status quo” of the once innocent word has now been “significantly warped into something icky.”
“As, alas, has occurred with such previously serviceable terms as “gay”, “queer” and “marriage.” The ‘homosexual rights’ movement churns on like a lavender Pac Man, omnivorously gobbling up everything in its path.”
Although mainstream comic book publishers DC and Marvel only began to include gay characters in the 80s and 90s respectively, many underground titles have been doing so since as early as the 1960s – so the pastor may want to check his facts!
Not to mention that comic books have always had a significant queer following – with many fans sharing theories of which characters they would love to see fall for each other – including Pauwels favourite, Captain America and his teammate Tony Stark.
May 04, 05:44Well I for one don’t fancy all this “gayification” of comic characters that we’ve always known to be “straight”.
Why not create new ones and make dem gay instead of chasing gay dollars.
May 04, 06:49what are you talking about?
as far as i know, the only mainstream character who’s sexual orientation has been changed is iceman from x-men. no one is gayifying anything. stop making it sound like this idiot’s psychotic rant has any sort of reasoning backing it up.
May 04, 06:55I don’t read comics neither do i focus heavily on news of movies related to them BUT on one too many occasions I’ve read on gay sites of moves to “gayify” the characters and it just don’t sound good to me at all. (If they ever went ahead with it, I don’t know)
My main beef is just that there seems to be this over the top agenda to make everything gay.
P.S: Biko I’m not supporting this one’s hate filled rant.
September 07, 10:10some DC
Robin(Tim Drake), Wolfspider, Wonder Woman(Though her is more accepted and actually makes sense), Aqualad and Mr. Terrific
some Marvel
Wolverine, Cyclopes, Starlord,
All I can remember
May 04, 11:02Francis, although I get where you are going with this, but I don’t completely agree with you. Ever heard of the term “inclusiveness”? In the 90’s and early 2000, gay culture and life was left in the dark like it never existed. Things are pretty much speeding up since the turn of the 2010s. There is more gay awareness, a good number of ppl are embracing themselves and the rate of self acceotance has been on the increase. The media is suppose to embrace and cover all aspects of human life and environment. The story of gay men and women needs to be told. Cuting them out of stories or pretending that their stories don’t exist, is like denying their existence, which defeats the purpose of inclusiveness. Its like denying black ppl roles or not telling their stories.
Its like black ppl say their stories are not being told or told properly, so we have black hollywood heavy weights like Oprah, Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels etc who are pushing the frontiers of movies and television to get our atory out there.
May 04, 13:30Eeerm, you missed my point guy. I’m all for more gay content in the media BUT I’m not down with “forcing” it for profit.
Wayfaring Stranger
May 04, 14:07So much condescension in this reply. “Have you heard of the term inclusiveness?” What is that? You’re not talking to your child.
May 04, 15:26*chuckles* Guy calm down. He meant no harm. ?
May 04, 07:22lgbt activists need to chill with this “make everything gay” thing they keep pushing, let things flow naturally, don’t force it. and as for this pastor,he’s just a useless human being, Won’t be surprised if he’s down low… oloshi
May 04, 07:42wait, Captain America is gay?
May 04, 07:54No he’s not. At least for now.
May 04, 07:45I read comics growing up. The idea of my favorite super-heroes getting down n frisky with each other is unimaginable PLUS they already had steady crushes…who were the reasons for their saviour antics in the 1st place. Gay guys are talented. I bet they can come up with a refreshing list of ace heroes.
OAN Having Snow White’s prince miss his way n falling for Rapunzel’s beau was very corny in my honest opinion. Let’s be original ppl. Work with me!!!
May 04, 07:53All these his talk na gibberish. Captain America hasn’t dated since Peggy Carter and that was decades ago. If they choose to make him fall in love with the Falcon(not that it’s happening but a guy can dream right) SO WHAT??? These Pastor needs to focus on leading his congregation to Christ and leave comic books alone.
Pink Panther
May 04, 09:10Hahahahahahahaa!!! Kenny you’re on point
May 04, 09:14Personally, I don’t think they should tinker with the sexuality of known heroes. If they want more lgbt characters, they should be created, like the current Batwoman, Kate Kane is a lesbian
May 04, 09:15Why centre on Captain America? Even if it’s ur favourite super-hero, why him alone? Does it mean if Green Lantern was the gay hero, you would be mute?
All these pastors that have run out of things to preach about. Smh
Btw, Iron man and Captain America look just cute together…
Richard Moore
May 05, 16:39As much as Iron Man and Captain America look cute together, I like them straight – just the way they are. And I won’t change that for all the fantasies in my head.
June 02, 10:27That pastor should read the comics again, it’s actually hinted that Captain America is bi, two or three times. It’s not said he’ll end up with Falcon, Sam is a straight guy after all. But Captain America ending up with a boyfriend is very much possible.