Chris Hemsworth crowned People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive of 2014

Chris Hemsworth crowned People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive of 2014

chris-hemsworth-768So it wasn’t Neil Patrick Harris after all. Oh no, it’s the dude who smites bad guys as a hammer-wielding Norse god in The Avengers. Chris Hemsworth will also get to fight off a terrorist hacker in Michael Mann’s upcoming cyber thriller, Blackhat, and battle a whale in Ron Howard’s In the Heart of the Sea. But apparently there was no contest when it came to naming the Aussie star this year’s Sexiest Man Alive.

The actor, 31, thought it was “pretty funny” when he first heard the news – as did his wife, Spanish model Elsa Pataky, 38, whom he wed in 2010.

“I think you’ve bought me a couple of weeks of bragging rights around the house,” he tells PEOPLE in this week’s cover story. “I can just say to her, ‘Now remember, this is what the people think, so I don’t need to do the dishes anymore, I don’t need to change nappies. I’m above that. I’ve made it now.’ “

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  1. Max
    November 20, 05:11 Reply

    Blonde, blue eyes , bombshell…. Right choice…

  2. Dennis Macauley
    November 20, 05:28 Reply

    I think I prefer the other brother! The one one that wrecked Miley Cyrus’s pussy….ooops sorry life!

    Oh dear! I have become vulgar

    ****I came in like a wrecking ball***

  3. #TeamKizito
    November 20, 05:54 Reply

    The other men though, Elba & Pratt; 2nd & 3rd respectively? (See how rough the face on someone’s ultimate crush is.. Hian.)

    • Dennis Macauley
      November 20, 05:59 Reply

      Easy with the Elba oo! Pink Panther will have you executed in the gallows!

      I suggest you remove eye from there

    • pinkpanthertb
      November 20, 06:18 Reply

      Was that shade for me, Kizito? Cos the weather forecast today was for sunny skies.

    • chestnut
      November 20, 06:25 Reply

      Kizito,sometimes d ‘roughness’ adds to d hotness jor!…#TeamRoughDiamonds

  4. Masked Man
    November 20, 06:10 Reply

    Liam Hemsworth would have been a perfect choice oh.
    This Chris Patt sha…
    Kizito, I don’t mind Elba’s rough face. He’s still sexy.

  5. chestnut
    November 20, 06:22 Reply

    Was this really a surprise? I mean, d man is a Norse god from Asgard,swinging a very big and powerful hammer…surely,dis title was a no-brainer,no?hehe…
    Lol, I can just imagine him and his wife at home: “honey,I’m sexy now…I can’t do d dishes anymore”

  6. hopelessRomantic
    November 20, 06:39 Reply

    biko why is it not is brother Liam? this one looks too old jare

    oh the things i want to do to and do with that. boy.. *fans self* #yesIamThirstyMuch

  7. Micky
    November 20, 07:30 Reply

    Chris is hot alright but Liam is hotter to me!!! He is perfection!

  8. Kryss S
    November 20, 09:43 Reply

    Oh My dream Christian Grey! Now That is Sexy! You r everything I want in a man but you r white(I like dem black like Elba nd Trey Songz)! Anyways, am happy you won nd not dat hammer forehead called Neil Harris! He should compete with Rihanna nd leave sexy to those it is due!

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