This was the question someone posed awhile ago in that requisite Facebook group I belong to.

And in the way gay men like to talk, the conversation that ensued in the comments section of the post made for interesting material for an update here on Kito Diaries.

Check on the responses below. Be warned, viewer’s discretion is advised. And thereafter, you may tell us your own experience with the vagina in the comments section. LOL.


GARRISON: This question is for gay men, even though I know bisexuals will weigh in. Have you ever tried with a girl? If you have, how was your first experience with pussy? If you are married and are not bisexual, do you enjoy having sex with your wife as much as you enjoy with men?

GARRISON: I guess I have to start. I can’t even imagine what a vagina looks like. Shit scares the hell out of me. But I wish to try one day though. Yes. One day. Lol!

TIMI: I’m with you. I hope to try someday too.

CARL: Yes I have. I actually had my first sexual experience with a girl before a guy – my grandmother’s maid. It was a cool experience. And I ate her punani too. It tasted like raw beef, a bit salty. And yes, I was a freak for girls with big breasts. I dated one girl, Chinyere, back in SS3. Girl had boobs for Africa.

GARRISON: Raw + beef + salty. Ewww!!!

CARL: Yels! Pink-ish and tasty! [tongue out]

GARRISON: What of that water that runs out of it?

CARL: Oh you mean the cunt juice. Mehn! I had a girl back in my final year, Ugochi. Just mere touch and she would get wet everywhere. That juice only comes out when they climax or if you’re touching the right places.

DEVIANTUS: Mine was traumatic. I guess that’s why I’m not very into girls even though I’m sometimes attracted to them.

IJELE: My sexual history with girls involves just two different girls, each of them more than once. I have a thing for slim, dark-skinned, beautiful ladies.

NUEL: The pussy I fucked last was warm and so tight. As I fucked her, her hard breasts were flopping this way and that; and the pussy was producing a natural lube that made my dick so wet.

GARRISON: The natural lube and floppy breasts…they weren’t weird?

NUEL: No. it was fun. It usually is fun. You need to try it.

CARL: Yes. Pussy has natural lube. This is the reason why when you buy a lubricant from the chemist, you are generally looked at as someone who’s obviously going to have anal sex.

GARRISON: Ok, I can’t be the only one who hasn’t had sex with a girl nah!

SAM: My friend is 31. He is planning to marry this year. He is now making efforts to experiment with women. You are not the only one obviously.

GARRISON: Oh dear! And he wants to marry this year. Chai lol

SAM: Lol! I think it is good to do with both guys and girls, and then make a decision on which you like more. The difference between pussy and ass are not really much. For me, it is more adventurous getting down with a guy. But that does not exclude the excitement of doing it with girls.

DEVIANTUS: Adventurous with guys, yes! Plus the raw masculine tension in the act alone… I’m having a boner just thinking about it.

IJELE: My first experience with a girl was actually wild. She was just pouring out the liquid while I was fingering her; that made me go crazy. Sex with a girl is fun, but foreplay makes gay sex much more fun.

NUEL: If you want to take her to heaven, give her a little cunnilingus.

GARRISON: Which one is cunnilingus abeg?

CARL: That’s eating pussy nah.

NUEL: It involves licking, kissing and blowing of the pussy. Not that healthy though, but if you try it with a girl and you’re good at it, she’s going to pack her bags and move into your place.

CARL: You eat it like your life depends on it. LMAO!

EBO: Sex with a girl and sex with a guy is basically the same thing. The pussy and asshole are holes with grip, and if you focus on that, you can do a girl as much as you can do a guy.

MASKED MAN: Please try and understand sexuality and then come back to comment.

EBO: If I didn’t answer Garrison’s question, who clearly is trying to understand what it feels like to experience fucking a pussy as a homosexual, then please kindly educate me.

MASKED MAN: We are talking about sex with different genders. Sexuality is attraction to one or all or none. Now I am very gay. Not even in the very least bisexual. Telling me to have sex with a girl is simply torture. I won’t even get an erection. And if I were compelled to, it would be traumatic. So no, having sex with a boy and a girl is not the same thing.

PAUL: Yes, sex with girls is a cool experience for me. But I like girls when they are slim and sexy, not big-breasted.

IJELE: That big breast thing is a turn-off for me too.

CARL: A huge turn-on for me.

PAUL: Oya, Carl, kuku go for Mercy Johnson, and leave me with Genevieve Nnaji. Lol

PINK PANTHER: I haven’t fucked pussy before. I don’t want to fuck pussy. I’m not even vaguely interested in fucking pussy. My experience in three sentences!

GARRISON: LMAO! I think this is the experience I can relate with the most on this post.

PINK PANTHER: As in eh! All the gay men here are suddenly pussy champions. There’s no shame in being a vagina virgin abeg. I don’t want a female as my sexual partner. It’s that simple and I’ve owned it.

GARRISON: Amen! Lol.

CARL: Bloody homosexual! Ptueh!

WABER: Hmmm… I would say yes and no. It’s a long story.

GARRISON: Yes and no? Lol. That’s like saying you tried but it didn’t happen eventually?

WABER: OK, a brief summary… I had sex with girls before I hit puberty and it felt good. But in my post-pubertal life, I’ve not done anything with pussy – although I would like to try it again someday. I’ve only made out with girls and that was very recent.

GARRISON: Oh, recent making out. I take it that it was a nice experience then?

WABER: Yeah, I didn’t imagine I would have an erection, but the moment I’m alone with the girl and I like her, biology just takes over.

WOODY: “The moment I’m alone with the girl and I like her, biology just takes over.” I’m so with you on this, Waber – even though I have never given in to the biology, and I’m not planning to anytime soon. I want to be a pussy virgin till wedding night – if marrying a woman is my portion.

HENRIE: I haven’t fucked pussy before. I’ve had no reason to. But I’m looking forward to trying it out once – for the thrill of it at least. Clearly I don’t share the irritation that a number of gay men have for it. It just doesn’t really interest me as much. The only reason I’d want to do a girl, I think, is for the thrill of it.

JON SNOW: Sorry, I’m strictly for the dicks. I’d rather jump off a roof than marry a woman.

644: I am all for cocks – black, white, curved, straight. Just cocks here. Never had sex with or kissed a girl, never even considered it. Strictly a Dick boy!

ZION: I tried to in school. The first time was with a prostitute I paid R150 to. Unfortunately, nothing happened because I could not get my dick hard. The second time was with a girl I dated for two weeks. At first I was hard because of her beautiful breasts, but my erection went down when I was about to go in.

GARRISON: Oh dear. You even had to pay for a prostitute?

ZION: Lol! My dear, I tried everything to be straight. But nah! I am SO GAY!

KING AFRICA: I tried it for the first time in secondary school. It was a group sex, me and my best friend and our girlfriends. And then this past month, I had a threesome with a girl and a guy.

EBO: I’ve always wanted to try that, a threesome with a guy and a girl. And not two boys fucking a girl but two boys fucking each other and fucking the girl too.

IBK: Never had sex with a girl. I can imagine it when I’m really horny but if it ever comes down to it, I’m most likely going to back out. Have you seen pussy? It looks like pomo or slimy snails. *shudders* And it’s got so much going on with it.

CARL: One man’s meat…

IBK: Is another man’s pomo.

RUGGEDMAN: Any guy can fuck a girl, be you gay or not. You just have to give it a shot in a different way. I’ll advise you get yourself very high, for those of us who do dope, take enough weed like 4 to 5 wraps. If you can’t smoke it, cook it with rice or noodles. This will take your mind away from the gender and you will become vulnerable to any sex.

MASKED MAN: Would that vulnerability include sex with animals too?

PINK PANTHER: What a presumptuous comment this is.

JON SNOW: Three words: speak for yourself.

TICHIFIERCE: Vaginas remind of the grim reaper. When I think vagina, I think scary! Scream! Death! End of the world! Apocalypse! High or not, even in my dream, if I see vagina, I will run. Usain Bolt will not catch me.

TONY: I’ve had girl sex three times. It was all fun. First time was with my mum’s friend’s daughter who came to chill with us in 2010. And the second and third times were this year. Only a little touch, the cunt juice was all over my hand. But I still prefer gay sex. I felt like I was compelled to fuck the girls, unlike when I’m taking dicks and asses up and down. Sucking the pussy wasn’t cool, but I had to do it. But I mosdef prefer sucking a dick and rimming an ass to that girl’s thing.


Well, there you have it. Some gay men have spoken. LOL! What about you? Ever been with a girl? If you have, tell us about it. If you haven’t, tell us about that too.

Next Sleeping Next To Beauty

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  1. Eggsy
    May 07, 08:05 Reply

    There’s a difference between gay men and bisexual men. All those people reveling in pussy in the post are clearly bisexual men, so the title of the post is a misnomer.

    That said, I’ve had two experiences with females I’m my life, both when I was in primary school:

    1. I was playing “kiss-kiss” with my cousin and her brother one night when everybody was asleep. The next day, however, I went for a repeat “kiss-kiss” with the brother and totally forgot about the girl.

    2. The green vagina. One afternoon after the incestuous incident, our neighbour’s house help was hanging out at our place because their house was locked. She was on the couch and I on the floor. I dunno what happened and I turned around and I legs were wide open and she wasn’t wearing any underwear and I saw some really green stuff on her labia. I. Was. Scarred. For. Life!

    The end.

    • O.B
      April 06, 15:03 Reply

      You no go kee person…

  2. Mandy
    May 07, 08:19 Reply

    I don’t believe any gay man would revel in pussy the way Carl, Nuel and Ijele are on this post. I mean, even those who are MGM, I imagine they think of fucking their wives as a chore, a responsibility. To be done and gotten over with, and not to be pursued when it’s not absolutely necessary.

    That said, most of these comments are hilarical!!! Tichiefierce though… The grim reaper? ????

  3. Law
    May 07, 09:40 Reply

    Why do I sense IH amongst most of the comments.

    Anyway. I have been with a girl once. Had sex with her several times during the one year relationship. This was my hundred level. I thought I was so straight. I loved her too. And marriage was on our mind.

    All this changed when I met my new roomate the next year. Then I knew my call in life. And it ended.. and since then, It’s been all dicks!

    • Starlight
      September 29, 03:42 Reply

      I’ve always wondered how it’d be to have a not-so-straight roommate.
      I’d so like to hear the story of how your conversion happened. ?

  4. Tobby
    May 07, 10:17 Reply

    Eh. A lot are clearly not gay

  5. Sucrescalada
    May 07, 10:26 Reply

    Well…maybe am Bi… Haven’t fucked any pussies in a min… Buh hey that kpomo that looks like Ekiti state kpomo! Choi.. Thats all I can say tho… Buh it sha can’t be compared to a guy with a big ass… If u know u know?

  6. facade
    May 07, 10:41 Reply

    i thought about it but i always get blocked out with a lot of questions
    what do you do about the lipstick getting all smooched up all over ya face?
    how can you do anything with that itchy hair all over ya face, neck n body? **shudders**
    that labia with a gaping red interior that looks like a demon ready to suck ya soul out **inserts scream Trump would hear all the way from the oval**
    how the hell wouldn’t those dangling twins drive ya attention n make the erection wither like a dehydrated lil rose
    and cunt juice? i bet that slimy shii smelt like juice from a raw meat left in a refrigeration with no power supply
    how the hell would her moan, considering her tiny voice, not sound like a scorned banshee coming for your soul
    she’s so slim, wouldnt she break?
    my fave drag queen said “pick me up, swing me around, stick ya dick in ma mouth” how would that happen when she’s so tiny, it says stick ya dick in ma mouth not suck ma face with that terrifying hole

    • Eric
      May 07, 19:14 Reply

      Lol @facade, u just read my mind. I try to imagine a girl giving me bj. How will she do it? With all d lipstick and poshness. I remember one of d few times I watched straight porn out of curiosity. Throughout d vid, I was just wondering what d guy was enjoying holding those legs and digging. No hair, no muscle, nothing nothing. Sometimes, I wonder how our straight bros do it. Although, I’ve not tasted any but I’m looking forward to it with a guy and guys alone.

  7. Bee
    May 07, 16:38 Reply

    Ugh. Please. Ugh. I have never ever had sex with a girl. When I was 14 and battling with my sexuality, I imagined it a few times and even tried watching straight porn. That didn’t end well–I nearly threw up. That said, I’m never ever going to have sex with a girl. Reading those comments made me feel queasy. I simply can’t be around vagina.

  8. Bee
    May 07, 16:50 Reply

    Most of y’all are bisexual. Simple.

    The vagina looks like too much is going on with it. It looks like goat meat with so much fat, muscle, tendon, ligament; all in one. Abeg, abeg, I don’t want. Breasts do not attract me in any way but are a bit less disgusting than the vagina. The human vagina deters me. I think saying that it scares me would be an overstatement, but it definitely makes me shudder. And, girls are too soft, ugh. Please, give me a good D on a hard guy anytime, any day. That’s enough vagina talk for one day abeg, I’m beginning to feel queasy.

  9. ChubbyLover
    September 27, 07:17 Reply

    Can’t we have a proper chat forum here. Seem like we have good minds here. No harm in making great friends… never can tell.

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