Documenting Homophobia: Two Nigerians Who Wish People Who Are Different From Them Shouldn’t Exist
In the spirit of helping the internet to never forget, and because we want to make sure the universe remembers to hold hateful people accountable, we have decided to start documenting homophobic acts perpetuated by Nigerians on social media.
1. Adaora Emmanuella Ezugwu
A woman who claims, according to her Facebook profile tagline, that she is “changing lives”, Adaora took to Facebook to slam controversial cross-dressing comedian, James Brown, over his participation in the trending Silhouette Challenge. James Brown’s video went viral because of how comical it was, and reactions were divided between those who trolled him and those who lauded him.
However, Ms. Ezugwu took the trolling many steps further when she not only called Brown names, but insinuated that he was better off not being born at all. “Sometimes, abortion is necessary,” she said of a person whose only crime was that he strutted his stuff in an ongoing internet challenge.
The post wasn’t received well, and lots of people on Facebook went hard at her over her hateful post. But Adaora doubled down when she made two subsequent posts where she labeled those calling her out as “possessed swine, gays and HIV ambassadors” (in the clear tone of one who is furthering HIV stigma) and opined that homosexuality is abnormal.
We present to you Exhibit 1.
2. Gabriel
This and his phone number (which is 09035393467) are all we know so far about this character, who took to his WhatsApp status to express exactly how he feels about gay people. Gabriel was so dedicated to his homophobia that he actually Googled the photo of two men in lust and posted with a caption that expressed his hope for “Gay Bastards” to be killed.
When a Kito Alert post was made to expose his hatefulness, instead of furnishing us with more details about this person so we can update our kito alert information, those who know him apparently took to flooding him with calls. Whether to congratulate him or to admonish him, we will never knew, but Gabriel took to his WhatsApp status (again) to update the world on how he wasn’t really being hateful. He simply was “preaching about the love of Jesus” with “joy in my heart”.
We present to you Exhibit 2.
May the internet never forget.
February 01, 08:18To say I’m worried about Exhibit 2 would be an understatement……. Where the hell did he get that photo from and what was he doing on that page where he fished it from? Doing an “online evangelism”? How does “preaching the love of Jesus Christ” and “gay bastards” relate?
So by killing the “gay bastards” his “evangelism” is complete and God would be satisfied?
The lengths some people would go playing to the galleries is just appalling and this is yet another fundamental illustration of how shaming, disrespect and name-calling is prevalent on Social Media…….Because, I can bet dollars to donuts that these people can’t confront James Brown nor Cutler X in public.
League 52
February 01, 09:48There is no show of love like Christian hate.its really sad.
February 01, 10:15I echo BoyToy’s comments. Let’s hope the spammers can somehow get hold of that number..