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Editor's Desk 1Comments


The year 2020 is what everyone agrees hasn’t been an easy year. It is the very definition of what doesn’t kill you making you stronger. Between the high notes of

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The Minority Report Reviews #IfeTheMovie

In October 2020, The Equality Hub premiered its ground-breaking movie about a lesbian romance, titled Ìfé. The film was executive-produced by Pamela Adie, directed by Uyaiedu Ikpe-Etim, and stars Uzoamaka

Editor's Desk 3 Comments

Facebook Post Of The Day XX

Simply live and let live.


  1. Philip
    April 05, 05:29 Reply

    Oh! This is what pisses people off with LGBT activism . Fight for what you’re fighting for and stop meddling it with religion and stop annoying me

    • Khaleesi
      April 05, 08:05 Reply

      Blah blah … the world doesnt revolve around you hun, calm your titties …

    • Teflondon
      April 05, 11:29 Reply

      Philip surprisingly.. I concur with you.. It’s getting unbecoming.
      (But what do I know)

      • pinkpanthertb
        April 05, 11:47 Reply

        The way one chooses to reconcile his faith and his sexuality is up to no one to tag unbecoming.

      • Mitch
        April 05, 16:45 Reply

        Chai, Pinky that was EVIL! And very appropriate for the individual too.

        Oh, and check your mail.

      • MacArdry
        April 05, 19:15 Reply

        The way one choose to reconcile faith and sexuality being one’s business,I still have to say this is in very bad taste.It was when I first read it on facebook this morn,it still is now.
        Christ has died,Christ is risen,Christ will come again.That is the essence of Easter,it has nothing to do with activism of any kind,LGBT or otherwise.Let’s respect that.

      • Teflondon
        April 05, 19:44 Reply

        Pinky.. Whatever rocks your boat darling.. I don’t care! 🙂

    • Legalkoboko
      April 06, 08:19 Reply

      Philip, next time you think this kind activism pisses YOU off, just remember that the vast majority of religious pips also piss ME off when they judge me by their religious standard.
      Don’t come here claiming to be annoyed by this piece because I feel like plunging you into real and unimaginable annoyance and pain by giving you a real flogging!

  2. McGray
    April 05, 05:58 Reply

    I will ignore that piece and wish us all a blissful easter. Pinky, Denny, Gad, Max, Teflondon, Chesnut (i miss that dude and his comments), Bobby, Dubem, Just James, Yours Truely, McGray (yes me), Mike Daemon, everyone. May we all rise with Christ in all our endeavors Amen. I love u all.

    • chestnut
      April 05, 10:36 Reply

      Hey McGray, I full ground o; didn’t go nowhere,lol. Happy Easter!
      (So,no one is gonna make a joke about an easter-egg(plant) today? Really? *smh* y’all should learn to recognize golden opportunities when they hit u in d groin,hehe… #OkBye)

      • enigmous
        April 05, 12:30 Reply

        Na Bode George pikin eggplant dey hungry you abi??? God is watching.

        Happy Easter all of you. Much love.

      • trystham
        April 05, 16:16 Reply

        @enigmous That brother has put me in a fainting fit 2days now. I’ve googled EVERY available pics internet has to offer

    • Teflondon
      April 05, 11:27 Reply

      Thanks McGray.. Happy Easter to you too! Cheers

    • Gad
      April 05, 11:35 Reply

      May the risen Lord and his power of resurrection be made manifest in all that concerns you. Thanks

  3. Sinnex
    April 05, 06:48 Reply

    Can even read what was uploaded.

  4. trystham
    April 05, 07:58 Reply

    TESTEEEEFAYIIIII *falls in the aisle, slain in the spirit*

  5. tobby
    April 05, 08:42 Reply

    What’s with the validation gay individuals are always looking to find in religion?….lol

    Happy Easter y’all

  6. jesuisnigeria
    April 05, 22:50 Reply

    Hmm na wa o, pink panther, Dennis!!! All of una, nobody even ask of me since Abi? Na so life dey? Hmm na wa o. Dennis my husband, you don abandon me abi. Is ok o, continue.

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