‘House Of Cards’ Creator Beau Willimon Talks About Frank Underwood’s Sexuality

‘House Of Cards’ Creator Beau Willimon Talks About Frank Underwood’s Sexuality

Warning: Potential spoilers ahead

When Netflix hit, House of Cards returned for its third season, many of you have probably binged through all of it. That’s totally understandable, because like the two seasons prior, this season of House of Cards is full of the jaw-dropping performances, Machiavellian maneuvering, and out-of-left-field plot twists we’ve come to expect from the series.

There’s also the WTF sex scenes we’ve come to know and love—think last season’s bisexual three-way with Special Agent Meechum (played by Nathan Darrow). In Season 3, we witness Claire reviving her husband via coitus— or “fucking the hope back into him” as show creator Beau Willimon puts it—and a very intimate moment between Frank and his biographer, Thomas Yates. Willimon spoke to the Huffington Post about President Underwood’s sexuality and that intimate Yates scene on the couch in his study.

“People have asked me straight up, ‘Is Frank Underwood bisexual? Is he gay?’ And I don’t think Frank Underwood really puts much stock in those sorts of labels. As he says in the Sentinel episode [in Season 1], ‘When I’m attracted to someone, I’m attracted to them. Period.’ He’s a man with a large appetite, he’s a man who does not allow himself to be placed in any sort of milieu or with one definition. I think he’s incredibly guarded with who he lets get close to him, whether that’s platonic or whether that’s sexual.”

Willimon goes on to explain: “When [Frank] does, it’s not necessarily a gender or preference, it really has to do with trust. There’s very few people in this world that we’ve created that he can trust. […] We try to approach Frank the way he approaches himself, which is not to sort of pin him down.”

As for the scene between Frank and Yates, well that may or may not be something there.

“It’s an emotional connection. Not necessarily a sexual one, but it could be. It depends on how you look at that moment and I think there’s a lot of grey area there. […] At least for that moment, he can trust Thomas Yates, whether it evaporates quickly or not.”

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  1. bade
    March 21, 05:06 Reply

    Season 3 is so boring ..

  2. . Pete
    March 21, 05:59 Reply

    Think I’ll start watching movies

  3. #TeamKizito
    March 21, 06:33 Reply

    There are so many songs/tracks and movies out there.. I don’t know where to start from.

    (Blank stare) Lastma? No.

  4. Ace
    March 21, 07:42 Reply

    The secret to make your series popular? Just chip in a gay/bisexual character, with loads of fucking.

  5. Mitch
    March 21, 08:00 Reply

    Never watched this so, I’m lost

  6. A-non
    March 21, 08:01 Reply

    Finally Pinky posts about a series I have seen…no lastma vest for me today. Yay!!!

    *summoning all my skills to pull of the Shoki dance*

    That said, there’s this thing about this series…some episodes I absolutely love, some others I just can’t wait for it to end.

    Some of the schemes sometimes come across as being too much or to sinister or even almost impossible in real life.

    As for the sex scenes, errrmmm…no major interest here jare, vanilla hardly appeals to me, just serve me caramel or chocolate and we’ll be fine(Pinky,hope this is allowed).

    Let’s see what Season Three looks like then.

    • Sinnex
      March 21, 10:36 Reply

      The Series is boring. The only reason why I am watching it is because it is so clear. I have been stucked in Season 1 since last year and I am yet to watch season 2, even though I have it on my PC.

      I watch it mostly because I have nothing to do. I am a lover of politics, but this is a No No.

      Anyway, has anyone seen Broad walk here?

  7. Peak
    March 21, 08:30 Reply

    I ve not seen the show yet, but I think my interest has been pique with the desciption of the main charcter. He sounds like a very principle man! He doesn’t do everyone, he hate being put in a box, he hates being predictable, trust is a major ingredent in relations with ppl, its not just about sex, there has to be more to it. We need more ppl like the character in the gaybourhood.

    So yeah! I’m looking forward to it…………as soon as I get through my shii.

  8. Dennis Macaulay
    March 21, 10:49 Reply

    ****claps LASTMA vest tighly behind and sits and watches****

    No need to say anything

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