“How Could He Know He Was Gay?” The Ridiculous Question That Came After The Suicide Of The 9-Year-Old

“How Could He Know He Was Gay?” The Ridiculous Question That Came After The Suicide Of The 9-Year-Old

Reports came to light a few days ago about a 9-year-old boy from Colorado, Jamel Myles, taking his life because of anti-gay bullying from his classmates. His mother, Leia Piece, told FOX 31 Denver that she found her son dead in her home Thursday, months after her son told her he was gay over the summer.

“And he looked so scared when he told me. He was like, ‘Mom, I’m gay.’ And I thought he was playing, so I looked back because I was driving, and he was all curled up, so scared. And I said, ‘I still love you,’” Pierce told the news station on Sunday.

Pierce said her son told her he wanted to tell his classmates when he went back to school because he was “proud of himself.” The mother also said her son told her he wanted to dress more femininely after coming out.

Jamel Myles

“And he goes, ‘Can I be honest with you?’” Pierce said. “And I was like, ‘Sure,’ and he’s like, ‘I know you buy me boy stuff because I’m a boy, but I’d rather dress like a girl.’”

On Thursday, just four days after he started fourth grade at Joe Shoemaker Elementary School, Myles was dead.

Pierce told the Denver Post she believed bullying played a part in her son’s death. “My child died because of bullying. My baby killed himself,” Pierce said.

And on the internet, instead of addressing the issue of bullying, there are people who are wondering how a 9-year-old could’ve known he was gay. Of course, when these questions began creeping out, the outrage was swift and merciless.

Dear Straight Person, if you’re reading this and you have this need to wonder how a gay person can know he or she is gay at any age below 10, ask yourself when you as a boy decided that you liked the girl next door, or as a girl, began to crush on the boy at school. Despite heteronormative bombardment, we always know. As children, we always know.

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  1. mikkiyfab
    August 31, 07:44 Reply

    At age 7 I already sucked my first cock, did foreplay and acted as mummy in children plays where girls where present *they dare not smell that role* *I was born for it*they knew I will so frustrate their mordas ehn and trust if I ain’t present that play no go sweet, so please tell me how did I not know.
    All this straight fokes ehn just irritating some1 since 1865…Bunch of figure brains/heads

  2. J
    August 31, 15:48 Reply

    Mom said that I started fighting with my immediate elder sister over dresses not quite long after my 1 year birthday. I cross dressed between the age of 1-4… I didn’t know what made to stop cross dressing, but I started getting attracted to boys at the age of 7 if I can remember. I have always been gay, always has been and always will be. It seems like my entire life depends on it, I get scared of being alone, scared of not having good relationships and scared I will be old without getting married to a man… It’s really painful that gays have to go through a lot of pain in this world.

    • mikkiyfab
      August 31, 18:41 Reply

      Oh J, it’s not just you that has such fears my dear its not just you

      • J
        August 31, 21:21 Reply

        It’s so hopeless here Mikkiyfab ?

        • mikkiyfab
          September 02, 00:42 Reply

          Yeah I know right don’t worry there is always a light at the end of every tunnel
          Just keep being u and u would be fine my dear

          • J
            September 02, 14:16 Reply

            Thanks dear ?

  3. J
    August 31, 21:28 Reply

    But wait, this child killed himself… He knew how to take his own life at the age of 9, knowing his sexuality at that age isn’t a big deal then.

    These people are insane, allow them to bask in their world of insanity.

  4. Richiemichie
    August 31, 21:54 Reply

    Straights always asking dumb questions. I still remember
    these same idiots back then in primary school writing love letters to to their crush, at what age were they then? And they are asking how he knew he was gay.

    I saw so many horrible comments on nairaland. One said ” He better be dead than continue this nonsense”
    Another read thus”cute boy but wasted his life making wrong decision being gay”
    Another animal “it is even better he dies and stop committing the Greatest sin on earth”

    I thought negative comments no longer gets to me,I was so wrong. Those comments crashed my wall. I was so depressed. I just wanted to disappear.
    I just want to leave this country where her citizens consider homosexuality a greater offense than murder.

    • J
      September 01, 00:56 Reply

      Forget them, they are ignorant and filled with bitterness! No happy, intelligent and considerate person can ever wish someone pain.

  5. Ryan
    September 01, 08:11 Reply

    My boyfriend and I read this on Nairaland. I didn’t know if I was mad at the children who attacked this beautiful child, who at such a young age, had his life figured out and was proud of himself and wanted to know the world to know, too.
    I would be mad at the Nigerian comments, but I don’t have strength.
    The community needs more souls like Jamel. This one was silenced far too early in life. ?

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