#HowIResist Campaign 12

#HowIResist Campaign 12

Ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls, and GQs, check your fathers and your mothers, your brothers, sisters and colleagues. That’s how we start to get there: a small voice in an office, a firm tone at dinner table, gentle correction, intense debate where necessary. That’s how we stop being outlined in chalk, by filling the outlines of our persons, complete with cast shadows, silhouettes and souls. That’s how we stop being cardboard and start being human in all its appreciable glory, with all the boundaries humanity affords. We have to say we are here, not only as a rebuttal, but, more importantly, as a statement of fact.

When someone says something homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic at work, perhaps even to you or directed at you, how do you react? Do you let it slide because it’s the easier thing to do?

In the end, easier for whom? – Chiedozie



I figured I couldn’t hide my effeminacy. It was either I owned it or hid in shame. So I owned it. With a lot of confidence! And that unsettled them and scared them off. You cannot shame someone who has nothing to be ashamed of. I continue to resist by wearing my skin confidently. – Onyx.



I love facts. Objective facts. You don’t argue about them. They just are. I resist by teaching and re-teaching homophobes that as a matter of fact, we are here, we are queer and we ain’t going nowhere. – Vhagar.



I realized that coming out to my parent in a clime that is hypocritically homophobic would do me more good than harm.

It paid off. I have an ally, I’m breathing better air and I’ve become a conduit of truth. – Vhar



I resist by being the best I can be, striving with what I can control, and moving on from peeps who think GAY is the root of all evils.

I resist because I know, one day, we’ll get to the point of acceptance as a country. I resist because it stopped to matter what they feel or think about who I am. Those who really matter already see within. – Nex



Living in a society where what you wear describes your sexuality, on countless occasions, I have been called “Homo” because of how I dress.

I usually raise my shoulders high and shrug it all off. It doesn’t change who I am or make me stop wearing my flowing chiffon kimono and mash drapery tops. I remain true to myself. – Mang



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