#HowIResist Campaign 17
It has to be said that there is something fundamentally wrong with a system that takes pride in subjugating and violating the rights of its minorities. First, it was the mobs represented by the religious right and pseudo cultural purists that began the blackmail against these sexual minorities; then the legislature gave vent to the jungle justice by blackmailing them with a populist-tinged anti-gay bill; and then the Goodluck Jonathan executive sought to gain political capital by still blackmailing them on the throes of an election loss. The police have now been deployed to blackmail agenda.
But why do Nigerians retain this whimsical interest in gays? They spend productive hours brooding over everything gay and ascending Google’s ranking as the most voracious online consumers of gay porn on the continent. The interest is so palpable that you could be forgiven to think that this nation of 200 million people is at war with gays and that gays have overrun the country.
But this is not so. This is a shadowy attempt to shame, humiliate and place a helpless group of people in the spotlight. It is an affront on the human intelligence. It is unconscionable, wicked and downright evil. – Kritzmoritz
At a point in my life, I got sick and tired of the hiding and lying and compartmentalizing. I resist by telling my heterosexual friends who I truly am; one at a time. I’ve told over twenty so far and surprisingly, it’s all gone well. – Leo
Growing up as a gay man first in a very religious family and second in a society rife with homophobia, I was crippled with the fear to live.
Teaching myself to really live, pursuing success and happiness, and working everyday to improve my abilities, and the innate qualities that are the essence of my individual humanity (because I want to teach society that first, I am human) is #HowIResist – Alexander
Overtime, the love for myself and who I am, being different, has increased. It’s no longer an issue of what the society says, but an issue of what my heart wants.
I resist by correcting people’s negative impressions about what being different entails. I’ve learnt to cut off people who think my kind of love is wrong.
I resist my surrounding myself more with people of the same family. With them, I find my peace. – Heartbeat
I resist because I chose to write my story in a way that portrays my truth, devoid of all negativity and hate the homophobic world is spewing.
I resist because I want to be remembered as he who lived his life truthfully. – Mu’iz
I resist in my decision to be great because I am greatness itself, not because I seek your acceptance or validation.
I resist in my decision to no longer shrink myself because I was afraid the limelight would show too much.
I resist in my decision to live true everyday and to say “fuck you” to your idea of normal.
And every day, with every breath, every step and every choice I make, I will resist. – UC
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