IBK’s JOURNAL: Camp Stories 2
August 4
So camp has eased up. I would rather still be at home playing my Nintendo switch, and it hurts more because a game I have wanted to play for a long time is now available. But, well, it’ll be waiting for me when I get home, so that’s that.
I still have to wake up 3 am if I want to shower before assembly, which I think the religious session makes unnecessarily long. But at least, after the swearing in, we haven’t had to stand for uncomfortably long hours.
I joined the Red Cross to avoid the parades, but the gag is that now I’m part of the parade commotion. I love parades. I was parade commander in secondary school. There’s something beautiful about people being in sync with their movements. My initial issue was that we were made to stand for so long when practicing for the swearing-in ceremony. But here, we get to rest.
And I’ve made a few friends (shout out to Kelvin!). I finally hopped on Grindr and after a few “hello, how are you, I’m fine too, where are you”, I found someone here in camp.
He’s a funny guy and a bundle of fun, and it turns out that one of the guys I’d been eyeing has been acting extra nice to him. I still haven’t talked to said guy but I have a feeling I will.
The second guy I met here is a very nice fellow too and he’s smart and reads, which is a big plus for me. He’s a runner and it appears to have done wonders for his derriere.
The third guy, I met through Facebook. He is a petite little thing, this one. I just want to carry him everywhere in my fanny pack.
One thing I’ve noticed though is that because there is this huge number of people around, I become stiff when interacting with these new friends of mine, especially around people. I tell one of them to keep his voice down from time to time when we are talking because people could be listening. Now, if I knew no harm would definitely come to me for talking about guys’ asses and crushes and all loud and clear, I think I wouldn’t do this shushing often. But there are over a thousand males here and I’m on edge. I don’t want to be walking to Mami Market one night and some guys would try something funny. My friend picks up on the stiffness and aloofness I develop when he comes around, but most times it’s because I’d rather be on my own.
I know, I know, I was the one who wanted friends, but last-last, I still need to recharge my social battery after hanging. It doesn’t help that personal time is relegated to like 30 minutes after the things you have to do, like drills and food. And I’m often exhausted.
Meanwhile there’s a guy in my hall who looks so much like my ex, and I can’t help but stare, and he has such pretty eyes.
For a while, all we did was say hi to each other. Till one day he asked me if my phone battery lasts because we use the same phone and his doesn’t. He’s super quiet and a loner. I’m worried one day, I’ll tell him what beautiful eyes he has.
Morning showers are torture. So much ass everywhere. I haven’t seen a lot of cocks because that would require staring, but the asses are in full view and glistening under the street lights. Some look soft as fuck and some look muscular, with backs rippling with muscles as their owners pour water on their bodies. *fans self* Sheer torture, I’m telling you.
I’m not into outdoor sex. I need four walls and some sense of security. All that adrenaline rush people look for is not for me. I might have some balls and try it out, but even then, the chances that we’d be caught have to be pretty slim for me to be so daring. But there are some boys that if they drag me to a cramped toilet to do the nasty, I’d be willing and ready.
I hope as camp progresses and boys keep being horny, people will start acting funny and revealing themselves.
Y’all, pray for me. All this testosterone cannot be healthy for me.
Written by IBK
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August 05, 09:26You got dicks everywhere and you are worried about staring? There was a dick I saw on one bros in camp that is still printed on my memory. The girth, the veins, the sheer beauty. It was just perfect. It’s sad that I may never be in situations that will put me in such artistic display of mass nudity.
Meanwhile, drop that open space sex fantasy, it won’t end well.
August 05, 10:19Nice write up. What camp you in?
August 05, 20:16I legit look forward to your episodes. Please keep ’em coming.
August 06, 19:45This story brings back memories of my camp days. Fortunately, I got to stay in the clinic throughout. I had no idea there was any craziness going on among the general populace. When I left, the only gay acquaintance I made told me that in fact, there was so much bromance going on that I was all but oblivious to.
I did stay in the general hostel for the first three days and I had to do the whole bathing in the open thing. I have a lot of experience there though, as I stayed some years in my university hostel, and you learn to keep your cock in check.
Enjoy the rest of camp. You will miss it when its over.
August 08, 15:34Still here on Eboyin Afikpo camp, been searching every where havent seen any queer friend at all, even checked the app, nothing!!!
I am sha redeploying
August 09, 20:57@ Happiey…. my friend is in your camp. Lolz