Let’s Discuss…About Using The Label “Queer”

Let’s Discuss…About Using The Label “Queer”

Vhagar – you’d know him if you read the riveting piece, The Boy From Jigawa – brings up an issue that I felt was appropriate for a conversation on Kito Diaries.

Check on what he has to say below:


I don’t know if it’s just me, but I’ve always found the term “queer” to be a little icky.

It’s a bit like the term “nigger” which started as a pejorative slur used by white people to denigrate black people. So also, the term “queer” started as a slur used by homophobes to denigrate homosexuals.

Over time and with the shift of homophobia and racism from the mainstream to the fringes, the terms became idle/less used and those on the receiving ends of these formerly despicable terms have started using it to refer to themselves in an attempt to claim it for themselves.

Anyways, who long talk epp? What do you think about the term Queer (and the term Nigger, if you will)?

Is it a term you accept or despise?

Previous Fifth Harmony’s Lauren Jauregui was warned not to come out by her friends and family

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  1. dreq
    September 23, 16:00 Reply

    I still prefer to call myself queer than TB

  2. trystham
    September 23, 18:25 Reply

    Well, only blacks are allowd to call other blacks ‘nigger’. Because of the particularly homophobic environment I find myself in, I describe myself as ‘queer’ or ‘french’ when discussing with other gay guys or ‘enlightened’ folks

  3. Ojukwu Jeff
    September 23, 21:03 Reply

    TB sounds very archaic and disgusting so also ‘Faggot/ Fag’ …. I prefer queer or French biko

  4. xoxo
    September 24, 23:29 Reply

    Happy????, who haff queer epp… happy just sounds happy

  5. Darkside
    September 25, 11:42 Reply

    These words are relics of a dark and unfortunate past. “Straight” suggests that the person so labelled is OKAY. So if you are not straight, you must be “bent” then, is it not? “Queer” means “beyond or deviating from the usual or expected”, so basically its seen as something that is deviant. Can we do anything about this? I doubt it, not in the next 500-1000 years. Be comforted in knowing this: by then we will all be dead and it wont matter. Hehehe!

  6. Jide
    September 25, 15:19 Reply

    When people ask what’s my sexuality, I like to reply, with “I’m not heterosexual”

  7. ogb
    September 25, 18:03 Reply

    I still prefer queer to tb or homo…

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