Lil Mama Says She’s Starting a “Heterosexual Rights Movement” Following Accusations of Transphobia

Lil Mama Says She’s Starting a “Heterosexual Rights Movement” Following Accusations of Transphobia

Lil Mama is looking to start a “heterosexual rights movement.”

The 31-year-old entertainer made the announcement earlier this week amid mounting backlash over a series of transphobic comments. Lil Mama explained the movement was necessary to protect herself, and other heterosexuals, from being bullied by the LGBTQ+ community.

“Y’all fight so hard to be respected and SOME of you, NOT ALL, get a kick out bullying people for having an option, how they dress, how their hair and or makeup looks, how much money they have, etc,” she wrote in an Instagram story. “There are so many people afraid to give their honest opinion (sic) because if they do the LGBTQ+ will hear what they want to hear and take statements out of context. I don’t have to prove myself by reminding people that I have loved ones of the LGBTQ+ Community. When I speak I’m not trying to hurt anyone, I’m just speaking my truth, just like you all.”

Lil Mama caught heat earlier this month when she shared her thoughts on transgender children, and suggested that being transgender was “depopulation at any cost.” She shared a tweet that read: “So children are too young to smoke cigarettes, too young to drink alcohol, too young to get a driver’s license, too young to go to a club, too young to gamble, too young to rent a car, but old enough to cut off their genitals and/or ‘change’ their gender? This is insanity America.” The post came shortly after Michelle Obama’s interview with Zaya Wade—Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union’s 13-year-old trans daughter.

As the criticism began pouring in, many Twitter users pointed out that Lil Mama had a history of making transphobic comments. Some pointed to a 2009 clip from MTV’s America’s Best Dance Crew in which she was critical of transgender dancer/choreographer Leiomy Maldonado.

“Leiomy, come on. Your behavior, it’s unacceptable,” said Lil Mama, who judged the competition series for seven seasons. “I just feel that you always have to remember your truth. “You were born a man and you are becoming a woman. If you’re going to become a woman, act like a lady… You know what I’m saying? It gets too crazy and it gets confusing.”

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  1. Mandy
    March 22, 07:04 Reply

    Lil Mama is right to share her misgivings about transgenderism in children. It is not transphobia to question the validity of children giving the autonomy to make decisions about their gender transformation that they are not given with other basic aspects of their existence in society.

    And the bullying and nastiness that follows after expressed opinions like this is just unfortunate. People who have good intentions when they express these misgivings should not be prosecuted by these trans militants.

    However, where Lil Mama fucked up is to come up with this heterosexual rights movement nonsense. Like, Madam, that is the most silliness that you could ever come up with based on your privilege as a heterosexual person. You can talk about the bullying without tapping into your heterosexual privilege to come up with nonsense like this. It’s like straight people demanding straight pride. Absolute rubbish.

  2. Rudy
    March 22, 07:18 Reply


    Nothing relevant to see here….

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