Man Crush Thursday: Laith Ashley

Man Crush Thursday: Laith Ashley

Transgender model Laith Ashley recently covered the June issue of Attitude magazine. Laith Ashley 01

Ashley first came to the world’s attention in Barneys New York’s groundbreaking Brother, Sisters, Sons & Daughters campaign, shot by Bruce Weber and featuring other models who happened to be trans. However, as he tells trans activist Paris Lees, the spotlight had a darker side.

“People were really nasty and for about three weeks, I just couldn’t stop reading the comments,” Ashley said of the Instagram trolls. “I knew I shouldn’t have, but I kept reading and the more I read, the worse the comments got.

“I’ve learned that you can’t please everyone.”

Well, fuck everyone ’cause we’re pleased. I know I am. Dude is gorgeous, more man than most biologically born males!Laith Ashley 02

But, as he went on to reveal, Laith learned to love himself and ignore the haters through therapy. “I would self-destruct, I would disappear because I didn’t want to be here. For a long time I prayed to God to let me die,” he said. “I’d think I hate life, hate being trans, hate the world. I was very negative. I still struggle with that from time to time but remind myself I’m pretty blessed. I have a family who [is] supportive. They may not agree with who I am, but they do love me. I had the privilege of going to school. I have the privilege of this experience. I love who I see in the mirror now.”

We love who we see too. 😉 Laith Ashley 04Laith Ashley 06Laith Ashley 08Laith Ashley 09

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Photo: Alex Ekubo looking all dolled-up

The actor updated his instagram page with the photos above. My, don’t he look pretty as a blonde. lol

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I’ll just leave this here. lol

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Bests Of Online Hookups XVIII

*sigh* Some sexual kinks I just don’t get.


  1. DI-NAVY
    May 26, 05:26 Reply

    This is what a fit body should look like. He’ well toned!! Not all those over exaggerated buffness with so much ruffles.

  2. Francis
    May 26, 05:38 Reply

    Wish he’d hooked up well well with Candis on I’m Cait. Dude is hot as fuck in motion.

  3. Kenny
    May 26, 05:50 Reply

    Dude is hot as fuck! Is that a bulge I see? How is that possible?

    • Pink Panther
      May 26, 06:02 Reply

      I too want to know. When you discover the answer, kindly pass it along. If it’s real and functional, I wouldn’t mind getting all up on that. 😀

  4. Jon Snow
    May 26, 06:57 Reply

    Laith Ashley ???? my second trans crush, right next to (hot as hell) Macquise Vilson

  5. Lorde
    May 26, 07:14 Reply

    I’ve seen him on IG, he’s so fine, even better looking than a “before” photo he posted there….and his brothers? dayumm

  6. Dickson Clement
    May 26, 08:04 Reply

    There is penile construction surgery… I have seen some of the procedure on U-tube. They cut some roll of skin from the fore-arm together with its nerve, then they use it to construct a phallus

    • Deola
      May 26, 09:05 Reply

      PP. You have your answer. Oya get to work. ?

  7. Mitch
    May 26, 09:19 Reply

    Holy fuck! Dude is hotter than fire.

  8. KryxxX
    May 26, 09:35 Reply

    And Even Colossus went “wow”! This is serious!

    I’ve been stalking this dude all my life! Or lets just say all my IG life. And I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that a guy who was a former woman looks greater, better and super hotter **looking at those lips and fanning flush face rapidly** than the ones that claim “natural/authentic”? Like, i just dont get it **stares @ my skinny arms and narrow shoulder sadly**. Check out the body bikonu! It is not fair oh!

    Well, What can I say, once you r done Pinky, just pass him along. **looking around** Who is after sack?

    • Keredim
      May 26, 10:52 Reply

      And I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that a guy who was a former woman looks greater, better and super hotter …..than the ones that claim “natural/authentic”? Like, i just dont get it…”

      A bit of surgery, hormones and sprinkle some photoshop effects, and you too can achieve the same look.

      • Francis
        May 26, 11:16 Reply

        You fit Photoshop moving image aside from make up? He comes from a beautiful family.

      • Keredim
        May 26, 11:26 Reply

        Dr. Gullible, for videos a video editor would use a video centric program rather than Photoshop. ????

        • Max 10
          May 26, 21:52 Reply

          Just like you Photoshop your Michelin body.. ???

          • Keredim
            May 27, 23:24 Reply

            Okporoko sadly no software on the market can enhance your looks.????

  9. Max 10
    May 26, 10:11 Reply

    Too bad he can’t get that D up…

    Dude looks like was made in a lab by a gay man.


    • KryxxX
      May 26, 10:20 Reply


      He can’t get that “D” up?! That “D”?!

      I give up………….

    • Francis
      May 26, 11:21 Reply

      I hear they can get it up but no ejaculations sha.

      • Max 10
        May 26, 21:53 Reply

        Really? If true, then that’s amazing.

  10. Khaleesi
    May 26, 13:09 Reply

    Izzalie!!!!! If you aren’t told, you’d never know he’s trans … wow! gorgeous specimen of maleness!! still prefer me a choco – creamy brother sha …

  11. Ivory Child
    May 26, 13:40 Reply

    If they can’t ejaculate can they still experience an orgasm?

    • Lorde
      May 26, 16:35 Reply

      Does it really matter? We talking about his gender identity not hs sexuality, if he still likes dick, no b awa mata

  12. posh6666
    May 26, 20:08 Reply

    This all really confusing…So making an artificial dick is possible?i guess it will be ugly looking tho.It really doesnt make any sense cos whats the point if you cant get it up?even if gets up whats the point if orgasm cant be acheived?abeg its better to remain in which ever gender God created you.

    Orgasm is too sweet to pass up for eternity.To me whats the point of working hard all your life and then becoming rich and able to afford most things you need but cant ever have good sex?Life is all about good food,wine,cool friends and awesome sex over and over again.

    I guess the satisfaction they derive from switching gender is more of psychological than physical.

    • Max 10
      May 26, 21:55 Reply

      Ur last paragraph is the only thing that makes sense in that thing you put up there.

    • Your comment makes zero sense. Is your entire purpose in life to fuck and be fucked? Do you not realise there is more to life than ejaculating? Is his asshole blocked from being pleasured? Your comment is as shallow as it is stupid.

    • Pink Panther
      May 27, 03:53 Reply

      What in God’s name are you even saying, posh? Do you realize the roundabout manner with which you validated the views of a transphobic person? If you don’t understand the struggles of a transgender, shut it. Instead of coming and talking about how its better to remain in whichever gender God created you. How faithful are you being to God’s creation by fucking your fellow man?
      Just imagine.

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