NBA player Dwight Howard pictured grabbing teammate’s eggplant
What was he feeling for down there abeg? lol. NBA player Dwight Howard was caught on camera walking to his seat, but before sitting down, he grabbed the eggplant of his teammate, who didn’t seem to like what happened. See the look on the guy’s face.
February 13, 04:45HELLO, the sky is blue, lagos high traffic jam, pinky is queer…. its common joor, all these soccer players grabbing each other butt’s when they score and jumping on each other grinding… hmmmm
February 13, 04:53Soccer? Are we in the States, perhaps? :-p
February 13, 05:52Hahahahahahaha.. You need ur shrink back
February 13, 06:05Lol. @Max: he needs his “Kelly Rowland” back!(Although I think Kanye has appointedd himself the official defender of all things ‘Beyonce’;he’s d president of the #BeyHive!)
@Dennis: Alobam oooo! No be my fault o! Work don start and dey want to finish ur boy! My new ogah is turning into something else this year – oh,don’t get it twisted; he was messy last year o, but this year ehn…he’s just turning into what I don’t know. No matter how hard I work, he wants me to work harder; he’s insatiable! (Pls nobody should reach for any sexual innuendo in that last sentence because I’ll just start throwing up and crying!)
Dennis Macaulay
February 13, 06:24Max shurrup can’t I ask for my buddy again?
***tight hug**** I have missed you so much!
Wait what boss? I tot you are an “unemployed man with a bold 5” just like me?
***moisturizing my beautiful chicken legs ****
February 13, 08:47Hahaha. Dennis leave me abeg. I no want problem dis morning o,I beg u.
(Er…I have some palm oil in my house…Mcadry already offered to help u oil ur legs…hehehe)
February 13, 08:54**McGray**…I meant “McGray” (Mcardry,if u’ve already seen dis,abeg sorry o,no vex…honest mistake)
February 13, 10:41Yet to come across a mistake honestly made.Leastwise,not on KD.
Gie ye a pass for now,chestnut.
February 13, 05:57Lol.Maybe he was looking for his nokia charger?(I know I’m always looking for mine in d oddest places…)
The look on the “victim’s” face though… I can’t! Muahaha…
February 13, 05:58Haba the guy looks like he is enjoying the thing
February 13, 06:10Haha. I can’t tell whether that’s pain or pleasure on his face. I see him holding Dwight’s hand; I can’t tell whether he’s trying to stop him, push his hand away, or guide him to “the spot”…
Dennis Macaulay
February 13, 06:42Wait the spot?
This is why I missed you! You are still KDs biggest mess with Mercury trailing behind
February 13, 07:51I remember a guy announcing the news of this video in the lecture room today. All the black American guys started forming irritation. ” That nigga bugging” they all said.
February 13, 08:31Lol @ ‘”that nigga bugging” they all said’
February 13, 08:26Denny pls can i help u moisturise dat super sexy legs of urs?? I have palm oil oo
Dennis Macaulay
February 13, 11:56Anytime hun
February 13, 09:00I’m just tryna imagine the convo…nuffin to it tho.
February 13, 09:14lol..
Just banter!
February 13, 09:49This is hot… sigh..I miss dick so much :(. The feel of it in my mouth and. –
k I’ll stop now.
February 13, 10:11Oh Dear Chestie, ur HOLEhearted apology wil be accepted if u can cum again.
Brian Collins
February 13, 22:01You want to join Dennis and miss JOAN in the VIP section in hell abi?
February 14, 06:21One need to see the video, both have something going on or they are used to touching and playing with eachothers dick. Howard knew what he wanted and his teammate just smiled to his touch