Neil Patrick Harris To Be People Magazine’s First Openly Gay “Sexiest Man Of The Year”?
Neil Patrick Harris is poised to take home People magazine’s title of “Sexiest Man of the Year” prize, NewYork Daily News reports.
“People has never had an openly gay ‘Sexiest Man’ before,” one insider said. “It would certainly make news and generate buzz for the magazine. Plus, Neil is going to be hosting the Oscars. He’s in Gone Girl, he was just on Broadway. He’s also happily married with kids. He is having an amazing year.”
While I won’t deny Mr. Harris’ good looks and charm, I couldn’t help but think of other gay guys who might make equally strong contenders for the coveted title.
Andy CohenLike this DILF, Andy Cohen, a confessed top who is a total sexpot in an awkward, cheeky sort of way.
Anderson CooperThe silver-haired CNN anchorman definitely deserves to make the short list for this year’s Sexiest Man.
Michael SamHe was picked up by the Rams. Then he was cut. He was picked up by the Cowboys. Then he was cut again. If anyone deserves some good news, it’s Michael Sam. The title of Sexiest Man may be just what he needs after the rollercoaster year he’s had.
Alex MinskyBecause no one else can pull off being so sexy on one leg…
Ricky MartinWe’ll never forget the glorious day in March when he stepped out onto his balcony wearing nothing but a pair of striped boxers and a tramp stamp.
Zachary QuintoWith his acting chops and tell-it-like-it-is attitude, we think Zachary will make quite the contender.
Any other ideas who should be considered People’s Sexiest Man Alive? Let us know your choices.
November 15, 04:16Oh QUINTO QUINTO QUINTO … I dedicate my Vaseline rubbing antics to you this morning.
November 15, 04:37Neil or Andy Cohen for me
November 15, 05:27They are all adorable and any of them would make a fine choice but i’ll go with Anderson Cooper anyday of the week, the silver haired fox can do no wrong on my eyes. Plus he has the cutest laugh you ever heard.
Every other person on this list is gay I dont remember Alex Minsky coming out though. Plus i am not a big fan of that much tatoo, just wait till you grow old and you start looking like shower curtain.
I think this is cop out though. I doubt people would make any of them its SMOTY, They’ll most likey go with Chris Pratt or something.
Dennis Macauley
November 15, 05:31Wait? DILF? Is that a word now?
November 15, 05:33LOL. It’s being put into fashion.
Dennis Macauley
November 15, 05:38My ultimate DILF has to be Sean Connery then! That man is sexy!
*turning my eyes to this article*
Ricky Martin
Hands down
November 15, 05:39Sean Connery. Ah! DM, you have good taste. That man is the sexiest DILF ever.
November 15, 05:53Alex minsky.
November 15, 05:53Alex minsky.
Neil isn’t fine.
Masked Man
November 15, 07:19Well, the closest contender is Sam Smith. This Stay With Me cronner is just a darling to behold. And Neil Patrick hosting the Oscars? Wow! Big thing. Didn’t Queen Latifah(open lesbian) hist the Grammys? These are good news.
November 15, 07:56Sam Smith keh? Sexy? U tried it! Lol
November 15, 08:03Personally, I’d go for Anderson cooper, I mean, d only thing sexier than a silver ‘fo’x is a silver ‘unicorn’, but seeing as those don’t exist in real life…*shrug*
Zachary Quinto is giving some Ben Affleck tease in that photo…
Wait,Andy Cohen is gay?
November 16, 07:48Really Chestnut?
November 15, 08:13Anderson cooper hands down
Alex minsky is one sexy dude regardless of the situation with his leg. He is one fine fella
Kryss S
November 15, 08:25Give it to me Ricky! Give it to me Ricky! Ricky Martin anyday, anytime, anywhere! Latino guys r just so so hot! William Levy(d guy 4rm J.lo’s “am into you” video) should b on dat list too!
Who is Niel abi Nail Harris? Dat guy is as bland as bland can be biko! D fact that he got his business all over our face doesn’t make him d sexiest man alive! He should contend for “Sexiest forehead” with Rihanna, he might win but not my Sexiest man alive!
November 15, 08:30Wait o! That hottie from J.Lo’s video is gay??? Chimooo!!!! Chei,so somewhere in this world, na my fellow man dey chop that kain big fish,ehn? Does that person hav two heads? Is it not one head like mine? Is there any fairness in dis world at all? *sobs*
November 15, 08:46William Levy is gay? Kryss, is that you projecting your fantasies unto reality? Or did he actually make an admission?
Kryss S
November 15, 09:42William Levy isn’t gay oh, but he could be gay for all I care! Lol!
By the way, is d theme for dis year’s Sexiest man alive “Gay nd Proud”? Are they all gay or must b gay?
@Chestie dear… U have to meet me so that I will give you a crash course on “how to sell ur Akara nd catch big fish”. Ppl dey chop wetin pass Levy naa.
Masked Man
November 15, 08:37Chestnut,Yes, Sam Smith. And did you just say Anderson Cooper? Blah! He be looking like Moses after a visit to God on Mt Sinai.
November 15, 08:53Lol…but ‘sam smith’? For real? I’m not seeing it o! Maybe I need to be really drunk first…*sips Budweiser* (hehehe…I already know I’m a mess)
Masked Man
November 15, 12:40Chestnut, what you should probably say about Sam Smith is that he’s not too generous with his skin. He’s always fully clothed.
March 08, 02:50Hmmmm All cute bt NEIL N RICKY. I think am ton btweeeeen SAM and QUINTO.