No, Anthony Rapp is not responsible for ending ‘House of Cards’

No, Anthony Rapp is not responsible for ending ‘House of Cards’

A number of people are not at all happy that actor Anthony Rapp revealed that, as a teen, he was sexually accosted by Kevin Spacey. Spacey admitted it happened and apologized, and other victims have since come out to report their own negative experiences with him.

Following the many accusations, Netflix decided to discontinue the hit political series, House of Cards, after its sixth season currently in the making. And some fans are holding Rapp responsible.

Rapp, who is starring in the most recent Star Trek series, has had enough of the abuse.

“I’ve decided I want to share some of [the nasty messages] because these people need to be outed for their harassment,” he tweeted.

Here are just a few examples:

Rapp pointed out that the trolls were not going to bring him down.

“1, I do not believe these trolls and harassers are right. 2, Their words do not sting deeply, but they do wound slightly. 3, I have gotten so many more positive messages than negative,” he added. “Thank you to all of you who have been expressing support and solidarity. Your kindness is felt and much appreciated. And I have experienced such support far more than I have experienced negativity.”

That these people are this angry over a Netflix series makes you wonder just how sad their lives must be.

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  1. Mandy
    December 06, 08:49 Reply

    Lol. Victim shaming is sadly such a real thing.

  2. Yazz Soltana
    December 07, 00:40 Reply

    I detect no lies in all what they said..
    You said no he agreed and let you leave his house..

  3. Malik
    December 08, 08:44 Reply

    Given the title, I expected a stronger defense of the postulate.

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