Pastor says the gays cause floods, his house gets flooded, but his case, God flooded his house because He was testing him

Pastor says the gays cause floods, his house gets flooded, but his case, God flooded his house because He was testing him

A pastor who once speculated that flooding was God’s punishment for homosexuals has insisted that his home was only flooded because of God’s love.

Tony Perkins, president of the anti-gay Christian group Family Research Council, previously claimed that flooding and hurricanes are a sign of “God’s wrath for the legalisation of gay marriage”.

But after his own home in Louisiana was impacted by flooding this month, Perkins now appears to be singing a different tune.

In a message to supporters, he bemoaned “deceptive claims circulated on the internet” that accurately quoted what he has said in the past.

He insists: “As a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe the Bible which makes clear that God is sovereign over the elements of nature and can and does use them for His purposes. He also allows those same elements to be used as a means of testing our faith and devotion to Him. Is this a test of our faith or a chastisement from God? I don’t have that answer.

“Regardless of what’s behind natural disasters, our response should be the same – we are to be on our faces before God, giving thanks in everything, and placing ourselves in total dependence on Him.”

In the past, Perkins has accused President Barack Obama of ‘exporting’ homosexuality around the world and declared LGBT rights activists are planning a ‘Christian Holocaust’.


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  1. Mandy
    August 25, 06:35 Reply

    So let’s walk through this Tony Perkins episode, shall we? He said God causes floods because people were gay. Exhibit A.
    Then God flooded his house. Exhibit B.
    There’s only one conclusion that should be reached within this context, don’t y’all think?

  2. Dubem
    August 25, 06:36 Reply

    Funny how when it happens to him, he doesn’t have an answer as to what it means. But when it happens to others, he knows EXACTLY what it means.

  3. ambivalentone
    August 25, 06:38 Reply

    I don’t get. Were these people expecting he’d get preferential treatment from heaven? If u stay in flood-prone areas, chances are your house will be flooded.

  4. Khaleesi
    August 25, 09:02 Reply

    I can understand and perhaps pardon a homophobe who lives in Nigeria – where unreason and false religion hold sway; but when you live in an advanced and progressive country like the US and you’re still hell-bent on being this stupid and obnoxiously, then its totally unpardonable!!

  5. Truth
    August 25, 09:41 Reply

    A god that punish people who worship and adore him because he’s testing them? testing them for what exactly?? quality assurance? ???. Aren’t they doing enough in his name already?

    abeg, all pastors are fraud!! They know it, I know it.

  6. pankar
    August 25, 20:01 Reply

    Kh, homohobia has ‘not’ to do with location. Infact the homophobes in the USA has horrible unchanging perspectives you can never relate with, because they believe – ”IT all starts with US”

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