“We All Have To Get Used To Everyone’s Differences.” Pharrell shuts down Gospel singer Kim Burrell’s antigay rant on Ellen’s show

“We All Have To Get Used To Everyone’s Differences.” Pharrell shuts down Gospel singer Kim Burrell’s antigay rant on Ellen’s show

“There’s no space, there’s no room for any kind of prejudice in 2017 and moving on… We all have to get used to everyone’s differences and understand that this is a big, gigantic, beautiful, colorful world, and it only works with inclusion and empathy. It only works that way.”

“Whenever you hear some sort of hate speech and you feel like it doesn’t pertain to you because you may not have anything to do with that, all you got to do is put the word black in that sentence, or put gay in that sentence, or put transgender in that sentence, or put white in that sentence, and all of the sudden it starts to make sense to you. I’m telling you, the world is a beautiful place but it does not work without empathy and inclusion. God is love. This Universe is love and that’s the only way it will function. And I get it that sometimes some of the divisive stuff works. We learned that lesson last year that divisiveness works. But you have to choose what side you’re on. I’m choosing empathy; I’m choosing inclusion; I’m choosing love for everybody just trying to lift everyone. Even when I disagree with someone, I’m wishing them the best and hoping for the best because we can’t win the other way.”

— Pharrell to Ellen DeGeneres, speaking his mind about Kim Burrell’s homophobic remarks, which he’d previously addressed in an Instagram post

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  1. Johnny
    January 06, 07:16 Reply

    Some people just don’t wanna accept life is in variety.
    Enough of helping Kim trend tho

    • Mandy
      January 06, 09:18 Reply

      It’s funny how people like to form individualism, and yet we’re strongly guided by herd mentality.

  2. Mandy
    January 06, 09:16 Reply

    Empathy. That’s very important for humanity. Understanding that we’re different and empathising when a difference puts a group in the minority.

  3. Delle
    January 06, 12:06 Reply

    This guys just made my day. Lemme go and download that his song “Happy”. I never liked it but I think I do now. ???

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