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Bests Of Online Hookups III

LMAO!!! *wiping tears from my eyes*

Gallery 74 Comments

Photo: About The Bottom’s Ass

Whose opinion is ‘Aye’ or ‘Nay’ over this remark? Tops? Bottoms? Versatiles? Power Tops? Power Bottoms? Anyone?

Gallery 17 Comments

Photo: Which Will It Be?

Between Khal Drogo, Jon Snow and Jaime Lannister, who will you fuck, marry and kill?


  1. ken
    February 08, 05:11 Reply


  2. Mandy
    February 08, 05:34 Reply

    We have not finished na, oga. Where are u going to?
    Some tops can be very selfish like this eh. That’s why I maintain that the best lover a Bottom can ever have is a versatile.

    • KingBey
      February 08, 09:49 Reply

      Don’t make it a “Top” thing. There are bottoms and verse guys who also ball out when you fuck them and they cum. They just suddenly realized it’s painful. So it’s a general thing.

  3. tarter
    February 08, 07:11 Reply

    lmao!!many many tops are selfish! very selfish, after fucking like they are pounding yam n groaning like a car engine,they cum and totally forget a btm need relief too!yeye guys.well ,particularly for me its really hard to cum,except I’m really attracted to you or you got an heavenly tongue that can rim diamonds outta me,so i don’t bother bout ….

  4. Timi Leo
    February 08, 07:15 Reply

    egbon bottom, every style was a hit, from missionary to mummy n daddy to wheelbarrow, if its d Cumming u want, come n have it..😏😏

  5. enugu guy
    February 08, 07:20 Reply

    Which one be mummy and daddy?
    I guess we need an article on sex positions.

  6. segs
    February 08, 08:12 Reply

    That’s why it’s good to date a versatile infact the best is two versatiles dating

  7. Jamie
    February 08, 08:40 Reply

    It’s not his fault that he gets weak after ejaculation right? I mean, you did it to him; you’re too good…
    Frankly speaking, anyone who bails out on me before the expected time always gets a repay. There’s a greater probability that you’ll seek for a next time after the last, and I am good at paying back.

  8. KingBey
    February 08, 09:51 Reply

    It’s not a “Top” thing people. I have bottoms that cum few minutes into the fuck and bail out on me too. It’s a general thing selfish gay guys do.

  9. JustJames
    February 08, 10:14 Reply

    It’s not a top thing.. Bottoms also do same. I think the courteous thing for a top to do is stop after the guy has cum. Stop moving cause it has a tendency to hurt a lot if you keep going. Some peeps can let you continue after a short while while others will need longer to recover. But no need to be stingy as the bottom.. If the top is into it then jerk him off or kiss him or let him fuck your laps (I forget the scientific name for that).. Or y’all can chill for round two.

  10. Tamara
    February 08, 10:38 Reply

    Yea! *Rugby Players* *Lost in Lustville*

  11. Tobby
    February 08, 10:41 Reply

    Well I have ball out frm sex b4 but after more than one hour having sex nd d guy no gree cum, I to cum nd leave him to his cross. When no be say I be porn star.

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