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Photo Of The Day XX

Isn’t this just the sweetest thing? Two grooms and their bridesmaids… That should be the name of a movie.

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Bests Of Online Hookups VIII

LMAO!!! Someone held in the clutches of konji will be jejely looking for a quick fix, and someone else from another universe will coman say Hi.

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Man Crush Sunday: Zac Efron and Denola Grey

After sifting through his vast harem of crushes, Dennis Macaulay was finally able to pick out two hotties he won’t mind going to gay heaven with. And he picked one


    September 02, 07:13 Reply

    Are they try to say corpses leak from their behind? Dang!

    • Rapum
      September 02, 07:27 Reply

      Corpses leak from all the orifices. Death, kai.

  2. Mandy
    September 02, 07:46 Reply

    Clearly, everyone at some point takes it up the ass, including homophobes and strict tops. *deadpan*

  3. Delle
    September 02, 10:24 Reply

    Hahahahahaaha! So everyone is a potential bottom? Who woulda thunk it?!
    I would ‘innocently’ have this up on my social networks. Innocently…

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