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Photo Of The Day XLIII
And so the coach decided to give a congratulatory pat on the…erm, butt? Or was his hand going for the shoulder and the camera just happened to catch it while
How about a look at the gorgeous male cast of Aladdin the live action remake?
After a search that was publicly giving Disney some major difficulties, looks like the studio has finally locked down its lead cast for the live action remake of the beloved
??? I have no words.
October 17, 06:14Where is the ass? All i see is a nice pair of briefs and a slight crack in between. I do love the white and red ceiling combo though
October 17, 06:21lol. this is no ass. Most tops won’t like this. tho I no get reach
Tiercel de Claron.
October 17, 14:34And you know this how?.
Tops now have a collective mind?.
October 17, 06:34That flat thing? I laugh! Next!!!!
October 17, 06:55While those aren’t the greatest I’ve seen, but they’re better than mine. *facepalms*
October 17, 07:06Where’s Dennis when you need him..☺☺
Dennis Macaulay
October 17, 07:22I am busy running the breast cancer awarenness 10km “Run for a cure”.
I shall look into the roundness of this matter later
October 17, 07:42Oh wow!!
I’ve got bigger though ?
*runs away*
October 17, 07:45better than mine tho. but am so gonna work on my butt
October 17, 07:49Lol.. He’s not saying it’s big.. He says it’s perkier..
One question.. Does it jiggle when smacked.. Heaven know what that does to me ?
October 17, 08:14Ur head is there! Been staring at it and wondering if it resonantes when it gets a smack! Nothing beats huge cakes with resonance.
The word ART came 2 mind when my eyes first locked in with this picture. The colour play, the lines, angles and curves. Don’t know about you guys, but this is a really beautiful picture.(No! I’m not being thirsty, just showing appreciation for a good picture).
Them thighs thoughhhhhhhh!
October 17, 08:22abeg peak it looks like the dude squeezed his ass.
October 17, 08:21James hahahahaha hahah u just had to.
October 17, 08:04eeew not good looking to me.everybody gat his own opinion #no insult
October 17, 08:11Weirdly I prefer my bottoms assless. Yea very flat like razor blade.
Pink Panther
October 17, 08:12Lol. Ok, that’s a first
October 17, 08:38Ikhines are u for real? OMG that’s nice. hahahahahahaha this is so funny.
October 17, 09:06*Record scratch* what?
Pink Panther
October 17, 09:07LMAO!!! Take him down, Chizzie. How dare he!
October 17, 08:18pp every time u never showcase the front *crying, leaning on Max’s shoulder” I want to see the front too, na wa o…. every time cakes (i’ve seen enough in my life). but u can show me boobs…. Max don’t u dare?
Pink Panther
October 17, 08:20Lol. kacee, what you’re looking for is not in the market mbok
October 17, 08:28its not fair o I want boobs jare small, full and perky….. It’s in the market mbok but we can go shopping for it….. Lol, i’m serious.
Pink Panther
October 17, 08:30Hahahahahahahahaaa!!! you and who should go shopping for boobs. Mbok rest joor.
October 17, 08:36But i’m your little sister nau @daddy Peak, uncle Francis where are u? uncle PP doesn’t want to take me shopping, *crying* everytime he buys cakes I don’t like cake I like boobs * crying*
Pink Panther
October 17, 08:36Hahahahahahahahahahaa!!! kacee, you’re a peach.
October 17, 08:59@Kacee, u do realise that shopping for orange, grapes, and melon can be quite tricky? Wonder bras have a way of confusing you during inspections. Speaking of oranges, why don’t you open the floor by giving us a peek of ur oranges? I mean most of us are gay men and have nothing 2 gain from looking at them, yes? **evil grin**.Who know, we might start having submissions after ur debut. Lol
October 17, 09:22Peak no u didnt *Gasp* hahahahahahahaha. FYI I know when it’s real and padded LMAO Peak when i get u eh i will…………I will show only Max my boobs…….. Max come to mama LMAO
Dennis Macaulay
October 17, 11:53I’m with peak on this! I want to see oranges, sweet succulent oranges
October 17, 12:01Dennis OMG Hahahahahaha succu gini hahahahahaha
October 17, 08:58Damn! Nice perky ass. Reminds me of my fitness trainer. Even with his loose shorts, you can see his well rounded and perky ass. I guess many guys here on KD have big asses. I crave cakes badly as mine no reach.
Dennis Macaulay
October 17, 09:00Meanwhile let me use this opportunity to finally say this; your ass is not considered big if you don’t have a flat tummy!
I am not being a fat shamer (hello Max) but we have to draw a distinction between fat and fat ass!
**drops mic**
October 17, 09:16**singing** Baby baby shade me one my time. I’m suddenly in the mood for some 1999 Britney Spears to go with my sit up routine.
Dennis, you know hell awaits u for this right?
Dennis Macaulay
October 17, 09:33**scoops creamy pap into my mouth**
You say?
October 17, 09:27Hahaha! Dennis,ur head dey there…u’re sooo wrong for this,but ur head is there! LMFlatAO!
Dennis Macaulay
October 17, 09:34But iz true na
Kim K
Khloe K
Nikki Minaj
Amber Rose
Anyone of them has a big tummy?
Need I say more?
October 17, 09:44hahahaha please do.
October 17, 10:03This your criteria dikwa very hard to achieve without God’s intervention through genetics. lol
Bret Hart
October 17, 11:09I agree with dm on this ……if you’ve got flat tummy with such ass …then you’ve got nice ASSets. ….but with such ass on someone with fats everywhere is a liability (IMHO)….
Dennis Macaulay
October 17, 11:51**chop knuckle**
October 17, 12:00I will find you and kill you and dismember you and eat you and…and…and.
Bret Hart
October 17, 14:47Lolz. ….sinnex. …rest…….or .is the ass yours or that of your interest? ?
Rev; Hot
October 17, 09:57Hehehehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!! it’s okay…… 47% for effort
Bret Hart
October 17, 11:13I don’t care about ass size or shape……if you’ve got a flat tummy then you’ve got me….. yeah…..I like them , slim, flat tummy, I think I prefer flat ass sef , it makes the person easy to manipulate and adjust on bed…….
October 17, 11:35Not bad but the thighs are nicer. Lovely background btw.
October 17, 12:01Nice crib…
The ass looks like it belongs to an older person…so I’d pass.
October 17, 12:23Flat tummy with perky ass? Kudos to that man I see in the mirror! *winks*
October 17, 17:18Hmmmmmmmmm