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Gallery 22 Comments

Photo Of The Day XXXVIII

So has anyone been outed by this contraption yet? Hmm? Has anyone jiggled that up against you and a rainbow light suddenly started shining, effectively exposing you as a gay

Gallery 13 Comments

Photo Of the Day: Thou Shalt Not lie

Are you a perpetrator of these lies below, better stahp it! God is watching you o. 

From The Net 12 Comments

Bests Of Online Hookups VIII

LMAO!!! Someone held in the clutches of konji will be jejely looking for a quick fix, and someone else from another universe will coman say Hi.


  1. Dennis Macaulay
    July 08, 06:51 Reply

    Lol Chai!

    Ever taken a random pic to share on social media and upon close examination you realize the pose was flaming and so you delete it?


    The struggle

    • Max
      July 08, 07:01 Reply

      Seen a couple of those on your TL… 🙂

      • Max
        July 08, 07:45 Reply

        Its true Na..hian.
        I have a couple of em too.. But I don’t care anymore biko. Life is too short to keep watching over your back like a high value criminal.

  2. Max
    July 08, 07:00 Reply

    Hahahaha hahahaha.. Yassss

  3. Iyke
    July 08, 07:25 Reply


    Hell yeah!

    Had one my dad took after church service once. My legs were crossed like a proper lady nd my palms were arranged in d most lady like many I could muster! I was such a queen! Always a queen! Lol!

  4. Iyke
    July 08, 07:29 Reply

    Even presently now, I strike some selfie pose, with my well carved eyebrows, pale gloss nd that smile! After taking d pix, me myself will just scream………………… GAY!!!!! Lol! Those pix dont see d light of d day but end up in d deep recess of my app locker!

    • #TeamKizito
      July 08, 07:55 Reply

      And you view them privately from time to time to. . . Hmm.

    • Verified
      July 08, 08:34 Reply

      I jst laughed out loud at that. It happens really.

  5. sinnex
    July 08, 07:46 Reply

    Hmmm….those good ol’ days when one competes with sisters on who shakes ‘bum bum’ better-I could even twerk before knowing the word, or who rocked the heels, what about cat walking? playing ten-ten, playing with dolls, using make up, not to talk of playing ‘daddy and mummy’ and ending up always being the daddy because one wants to lie on the same bed with a crush and cuddle….okay, lemme stop here…

  6. Belcullen
    July 08, 07:51 Reply

    Not when i was younger. It hapens now. After striking a pose for selfie nd d i see d pic, i go hmmm, naah too gay. I dnt delete tho jst show my pips 4 sum laffs. But den its neva uploaded anywer.

  7. R.A
    July 08, 07:55 Reply

    That’s my life right there looool. I saw Yinka George’s throwback on IG, and was like “COME ON!!! Who’s still questioning his sexuality?”

    • Ace
      July 08, 11:45 Reply

      Hahahahaha! OK stop and leave Yinka alone.

  8. Masked Man
    July 08, 08:24 Reply

    I no follow.

    I just suddenly want to look through PP’s old album.

  9. Absalom
    July 08, 08:36 Reply

    LMAO! OMG. So true!

    Even now I scrutinise all my selfies for any flaming signs before I use them as Facebook profile pic. As for BBM, I don’t care; I can use anything.

  10. kacee
    July 08, 08:38 Reply

    LMAO oooh God my cheeks hurt from laughing so hard. U guys are so funny…

  11. Peak
    July 08, 08:47 Reply

    Someone that can like to show off his pink birthday cake and keyholder shoes comes to mind.

    **waving energetically to my twin, how u dowooing baebae?**

    • Masked Man
      July 08, 10:57 Reply

      Pink birthday cake.

      Oh Dee, that blow was low. Lol

    • Max
      July 08, 19:46 Reply

      @Peak, ya’ll are twins now?
      Ok now I gerrit. “Protracted twins”
      Where one is born first and the other born 2 decades later.. Now I gerrit.

  12. Ringlana
    July 08, 08:52 Reply

    I do,check all my selfie before up loading them,am still in nigeriadont need story’s. That touch

  13. black
    July 08, 09:41 Reply

    LOLLL. Why am I always the last person to christopher columbus discover fun blogs like this? And to think my “our pple” friends been telling me about this blog since 4eva. I can relate with this photo 100%. Funniest!

      • posh6666
        July 08, 11:42 Reply

        Welcome black.Its all bright and sunny in here with so much love and harmony amongst the likeminded,hope u do stick around long enough☺.

      • R.A
        July 08, 12:43 Reply

        Hahaha! Bright and sunny till dem canopy erecting boys block it all lol

  14. JArch
    July 08, 09:43 Reply

    Sadly I never had one of those pictures from way back when, I was very self conscious infront of the camera, as one wrong angle and I’d have that ultra feminine looks (even without the pose)

    Being referred to as “Beautiful Boy” haunted me, despite being smothered by lots of older people and it earned me a few “modelling” gigs, posing in children’s native attire and poster boy for elemtary school brochure

    Till date, I always avoid overstated poses, unless am just fooling around with selfies that I never intend to post on social media, or I am photo bombing lol

  15. Mitch
    July 08, 09:44 Reply

    Hahahahahahah! Yasss baebie!

  16. Francis
    July 08, 11:30 Reply

    Hmmm, I used to screen dem selfies too but recently I’m more bothered with if it looks hot or not. *my vanity and insecurities no get rival*

    Anyone that thinks it looks gayish can go and hug transformer.

  17. Ace
    July 08, 11:48 Reply

    Hahahaha! The struggle! Oh my God! I guess we were really born that way.

  18. Khaleesi
    July 08, 14:10 Reply

    LMAO; i have a few of them!! pix from primary school where i struck a dainty pose. now i look at those pix and am like “OMG!! that’s so gay, even tho i never knew what the word meant” … Now, i post whatever pic i like on my BBM, its my BBM; whoever doesnt like, please use your delete button and get your crusty self outta my life ***flips brunette wig***

  19. Lothario
    July 08, 16:26 Reply

    I have this old picture of me wearing my mum’s wig and pearls and my dad took that picture….. Recently, we fell upon it and had a good laugh, but while they were all laughing, I was shrinking from major embarrassment.

    • posh6666
      July 08, 16:38 Reply

      Lmaooooo when ladies were girls.Better be glad ur dad aint lucious lyon from empire he would have dumped u in a waste basket lol

  20. RM
    July 08, 23:11 Reply

    I remember that one time as a kid – I took my pants off just to see my butt as I wiggled in front of the mirror… then the caretaker walked in!

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