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I really really dread Idris Elba. 🙂 What about you?

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Funny Photo: His and Hers

LOL! Again, I just can’t.

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Man Crush Tuesday: IK Ogbonna

The day I met the actor cum model, the day he walked up to my work station for me to render him some service, I nearly hyperventilated with lust. Kai!


      • trystham
        September 14, 08:25 Reply

        Looool. To sneak out of of course Captain Obvious

  1. Mandy
    September 14, 07:17 Reply

    Number 2 though.. .??? A glass closet, you’re in there but everyone can see you.

    And what does number 5 mean?

    • Pink Panther
      September 14, 07:19 Reply

      I can think of at least one or two people who own glass-walled closets lol

  2. Bain
    September 14, 07:58 Reply

    2. Everybody knows,just those that matter.

  3. Tahlee Ibrahim
    September 14, 12:13 Reply

    I think mine’s a combination of 1 and 8. I don’t even know sef… Maybe the real closet is 2.

  4. AlphaJay
    September 14, 15:06 Reply

    I dont wanto be the first to say 3. But it’s what it is.

    • Delle
      September 14, 17:57 Reply

      Wheres your key? I need to get something from your ‘closet’ ?

    • harmless
      September 15, 18:31 Reply

      ya….me too no 3…its really killing me

  5. Delle
    September 14, 17:56 Reply

    I should be a combination of 2 and 4.?

  6. BJ
    September 15, 10:09 Reply

    me that I have used the entire woods from those closet to build an underground fotress, sad but it is true!!

  7. Human
    September 15, 16:01 Reply

    Ya, mine is literally 3 and 6

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