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Photo Of The Day VII
What you wish that hot straight guy you’re tripping for will say to you. lol
Photo Of The Day II
The sheer audacity of this wit though. Ok bye. *fleeing from the oncoming wrath of Gad* 🙂
Photo Of The Day XIII
Lol. This is such a mess. The wife who is covering up her affair with the man who her husband is sleeping with. Yep, a very hot mess. (I should
Sheldon Cooper
February 21, 08:17That amount for just Rice and chicken? I’ll rather have just the COCK. Hehehe
Pink Panther
February 21, 08:26Hahahahahahahahaaa. I know, right?
February 21, 09:23Before I exclaim at that atrocious price of 30,000, what is the naira equivalent of SL currency?
February 21, 09:26He meant to write Coke I guess…..Lol
February 21, 10:02Ohhh, never knew we had Sierra Leonians in the house!! Awesome!! I’d really love to hear stories from there … Lol @ cock…
February 21, 11:10Cheap cock.
Max 2.1
February 21, 12:00I guess that’s how Americans feel when they see our bill too. Our cars cost millions here, which isn’t supposed to be if the economy was ok.
Lmao @Cock
February 21, 12:09What currency do Serria Leoneans use?.. Cause I’m like wtf rn
Dennis Macaulay
February 21, 12:19One black cock
February 21, 16:01For that price, the cock better squirt some good juice.
February 21, 16:38All who have spent N6000 and above just to get cock say aye!!!!!
The ayes have it.
Pink Panther
February 22, 01:03LOL!