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LMAO! Chai, this is almost sad.

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Photo Of The Day L

When you see it… lol

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Photo: Share A Coke With…

Yea, yea, for those who have boyfriends. Next please!


  1. quinn
    December 14, 08:23 Reply

    Marry Kit, fuck Jason All Day kill nikolaj

  2. Mandy
    December 14, 08:46 Reply

    Oh, exactly in the order it’s been put. Fuck Jason (that dude looks like a heartbreaking mbok. I can only handle him as a fuckboy ?). Marry Kit (those gorgeous looks, who won’t want to wake up to that for the rest of his life ?). Kill Nikolaj (he’s a Lannister, that’s all the reason I need ?)

  3. Delle
    December 14, 08:46 Reply

    Fuck Jamie, Kill Khal Drogo (slowly though cos I’m sure I’ll get sexual gratification from it) and marry Jon Snow (I have a feeling the beauty of our kids would make us even more famous than our career ??)

  4. Sinnex
    December 14, 09:43 Reply

    Fuck Jason, Marry Nicolaj and Kill Kit.

    • Mandy
      December 14, 12:26 Reply

      WHAT! Lmao. Why would anyone wanna kill Kit?

    • Black
      December 18, 13:07 Reply

      Exactly what I would do. Yesssss!

  5. Tristan
    December 14, 10:30 Reply

    Marry Jason(having that as many times as possible, every day, what else could a man ask for?)
    Fuck nikolaj(there’s something about him that excites me)
    I’m so killing Kit, I have never been a fan of the guy. He don’t even got game, his scene with denearys was very disappointing

  6. Tristan
    December 14, 10:30 Reply

    Marry Jason(having that as many times as possible, every day, what else could a man ask for?)
    Fuck nikolaj(there’s something about him that excites me)
    I’m so killing Kit, I have never been a fan of the guy. He don’t even got game, his scene with denearys was very disappointing.

  7. Kenny
    December 14, 13:46 Reply

    Marry Nikolaj, Fuck Kit and Kill Jason.

  8. Gag
    December 14, 14:48 Reply

    Fuck Jason, Marry kit(he looks really cute and has a nice looking ass) and kill Nikolaj

  9. Q-MARA
    December 14, 17:32 Reply

    I’ll fucking Kill Jon Snow, Marry Jamie Lannister: who wouldn’t want such a sexy, cute, devoted, and committed man? Oh! Lawd, *fans self, at the thought* DROGO can take me to paradise or wherever he so desires……

  10. Ase
    December 14, 19:17 Reply

    Marry Nik,kill Kit,fuck Jason

    December 14, 20:43 Reply

    Fuck Jason (that dude is a stallion biko), marry Kit (he’s so fucking cute) and kill Nikolaj (we av to kill one)

  12. Yazz Soltana
    December 16, 14:20 Reply

    I’ll fuck all of them,marry them ,kill all of them…
    Make a scene at their funeral and then smile to the bank for my settlement….??

  13. Evans
    December 18, 17:41 Reply

    Well, there’s always a black stone in the family (yazz soltana) ???

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