Porn actor says straight adult film directors shunned him for doing gay porn

Porn actor says straight adult film directors shunned him for doing gay porn

A former adult film actor has said the porn industry is homophobic.

Christopher Zeidschegg, who spent a decade performing under the alias Danny Wylde, has spoken out about being shunned for doing gay sex scenes.

Zeidschegg, who says he’s attracted to both men and women, claims the straight bosses dislike ‘crossover’ actors who have done both gay and straight porn.

He told The Independent that after taking part in group sex sessions with both men and women, where all performers were tested, he almost got blacklisted from working with girls from several agencies.

It’s partly to do with different sexual health expectations, adult film industry bosses say.

Most straight porn requires frequent STI testing but no condom use, whereas gay porn requires condoms but no testing.

However Zeidschegg claims that that’s a cover for what is, actually, just homophobic attitudes.

“When I listened to many people talk about why they were against ‘crossover’ performers, it seemed to have more to do with homophobia than anything else. But whatever. People have the right to have sex with whoever they want. If my attraction to men bums someone out, we don’t have to have sex,” he says.

He subsequently left the adult film industry after he suffered from a prolonged erection from becoming reliant on the use of erectile dysfunction medication.

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  1. Mandy
    March 08, 07:56 Reply

    Googled the man. He’s not even hot. Perhaps they didn’t want him cos his market just wasn’t selling.

    • Fshaw
      March 08, 11:22 Reply

      No offence you seem to have an opinion on everything… sometimes you need to just read and let go. I know you have itchy fingers but you need to calm down!

      • Mandy
        March 08, 14:50 Reply

        That is how you’ll be minding your business, and irrelevant people who you don’t care for but who clearly have been noticing you will breeze into your universe to try to gain relevance.

  2. Absalom
    March 08, 12:39 Reply

    It’s not true that gay porn requires condoms but no testing. Many gay porn companies are going bareback and it would be strange to have them risk the inconvenience of their models contracting something on set. Even though some companies give me the no-testing vibe.

    That said.

    Maybe in the fantastical world of porn, women just don’t find men who fuck men sexually appealing. I’ve heard stuff like this before. Producers will go where the money is. Reminds me of Bottoms who reject Versatiles. I’m curious about this.

  3. Gad
    March 08, 15:12 Reply

    ” people have the right to have sex with whoever they want”. In the same vein, I think people also have the right to hire whoever they want.

  4. Sinnex
    March 09, 08:56 Reply

    All I saw was…’He subsequently left the adult film industry after he suffered from a prolonged erection from becoming reliant on the use of erectile dysfunction medication’…no wonder those guys can go at it for as long as possible. Some people would expect you to do the same.

    Anyway, I am sure he wasn’t good enough and not because of his involvement in gay porn.

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