#PrEPUp: Have You Had Your PrEP Yet?

#PrEPUp: Have You Had Your PrEP Yet?

In the past, a few people in the comments section of Kito Diaries have often wondered about the availability of PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) in Nigeria. There have also been a few questions as to what information there is about PrEP.

Well, there’s an ongoing campaign called ‘PrEP Up’ that is targeted at providing information regarding everything you need to know about PrEP and how you can get it in Nigeria. (Check the Kito Diaries social media pages with the hashtag #PrEPUp for more information on the campaign)

PrEP is available for all regardless of sexuality or gender. We strongly advise that you consult your doctor before starting on PrEP. And pass along this information to all others around you.

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  1. Tristan
    November 22, 10:45 Reply

    There’s already the burden of taking pills everyday associated with PLWH. Why would a HIV -ve person subject himself with that burden? It’s not even a matter of SEs ‘cos they can be tolerated and wane over time.

    In Nigeria where national drug control is barely functional, drug abuse is on its rise. And when there is abuse, toxicity or resistance takes its toll. For instance the effrontery people are used to abusing antibiotics has led to development of superbugs and resistance to even the most potent antibiotics. What happens when HIV -ve people develop resistance and eventually becomes +ve? Will they commence with first line, second line or third line? I’m afraid there are more cons to the PrepUp than its pros.

    It’s much more safer, for the time being, to advocate on proper and consistent condom use and PEP.

    • Sim
      November 22, 19:00 Reply

      Hello Tristan,

      Good/valid concern but trials have been conducted to show there are no risk or at most minimal risk of resistance or side effects.

      However, everyone should check in with their healthcare provider and baseline chemistry documented prior to PrEP intake.

  2. Gif
    November 22, 22:08 Reply

    Heard PreP is very expensive!
    How true is it?

    • Audrey
      November 23, 17:57 Reply

      It’s free in most Lgbt friendly clinics especially here in Lagos.

  3. Furler
    November 24, 07:09 Reply

    Please where can I find a center in Benin?

  4. Ablie
    December 09, 15:34 Reply

    Where can I get prep in Abuja

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