Random Questions V

Random Questions V

IMG-20170511-WA0006Sometimes, you can’t help who you fall for. So what if the person you really, really like turns out to be a staunch believer of TB Joshua’s ministry and you really don’t care for religion, would you date him?

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  1. Francis
    May 17, 05:59 Reply

    If they are good enough at keeping their beliefs to themselves and not letting it affect me in any way, yeah no wahala BUT let’s face it most staunch religious people don’t know how to mind their business. They are always in “winning souls for Christ” mode ????

    • Mandy
      May 17, 07:11 Reply

      Or having way too many attacks of guilty conscience.

      • Francis
        May 17, 07:26 Reply

        *sighs* don’t get me started with those attacks. They seem cute and naive at first and quickly get annoying

        • UC TheMisfit
          May 17, 14:44 Reply

          That conscience attack is just the worst. One minute you’re being called ‘baby baby’ the next you are being called by your last name, when he is in his “godly mood” (his words exactly).
          I’m not even an atheist and it irks me sooo much. With the accompanying IH, its like a complete package.

  2. KryxxX
    May 17, 06:31 Reply

    It all depends on how he sees himself oh! I have enough stress with my life already. Wouldn’t want to add that of a Bible-thumping-confused-believer biko. Nigeria alone is stress!

  3. Mandy
    May 17, 07:07 Reply

    Relationships like this can only work if the two are laidback. If they’re passionate about their beliefs, no way will such a relationship work… Especially if they’re live-in lovers.

  4. Simba
    May 17, 07:58 Reply

    No way.. I ll rather date a girl, person of other religion than a zealous believer. Don’t u get it, u can’t build a life with such a person because u is a sin to him. Probably someday when u think u have a partner, he ll tell u he has discovered a higher calling.

    • Pink Panther
      May 17, 08:10 Reply

      I can imagine how painful that shii can be. Losing a loved one to the god he worships. Its like a double reason to be mad at the god: first He doesn’t like you, now He’s taking away your happiness.

  5. Johnny
    May 17, 08:04 Reply

    When bae listens to Pastor Chris, I just plug in my earpiece and listen to my playlist jeje to avoid troubles of the mind.

  6. ambivalentone
    May 17, 08:06 Reply

    if u r thinking it, don’t try it. The wahala it way too exhausting.

  7. Gad
    May 17, 13:19 Reply

    ” Can two walk/work together except they agree?”. I don’t think so except if they are not really serious about themselves. No matter how learned, tolerant or matured they might be, conflicts bothering on their faith must arise. That’s not saying that it’s impossible though. People can manage conflicts but personally, I always feel more comfortable dating a Roman Catholic, someone from my denomination or similar ones. I even prefer Muslims to adherents of newer churches. As for atheists, it’s a capital NO for me.

  8. Tangie Bloom
    May 17, 14:53 Reply

    Actually, for me, romantic (not sexual)
    attraction is a lot more intellectual than physical. And only romantic attraction would make me date someone.

    So would I be romantically attracted to someone who is a staunch TBJ follower? Well, if we agreed on a lot of other fundamental issues. Or if he was very intelligent and driven. (Kinda like how I’d marry Paul Ryan, even though he’s Republican, so I could make him president someday.)

    Whether or not a TBJ faithful could be as liberal and me remains to be seen.

  9. FJ
    May 17, 17:08 Reply

    I don’t think religious dichotomy is so strong a factor in gay relationships unlike in heterosexual world, in this part of the world. Religious belief is often an incidental finding along the line. Physical attributes, emotional sentiment and other appeals are rarely sacrificed on the alter of religious differences. I’m yet to see peeps tick fellow religious faithfuls or atheists as prerequisites for gay dating. The dick is a more unifying force.

  10. Delle
    May 17, 20:11 Reply

    In so far as he doesn’t feel the need to sanctify our bed with holy water, doesn’t try to use Anointing oil as lube and definitely doesn’t pray for our souls after a delicious romp, then fine.

    I believe adaptation is paramount in a relationship and once you both can fit that jigsaw puzzle despite obvious differences, you have no issues. So yes, I can date a staunch muslim who understands not to let religion get in the way of our love.

    • Pink Panther
      May 17, 20:26 Reply

      “…doesn’t try to use Anointing oil as lube…” ????

    • Francis
      May 17, 20:42 Reply

      ??? Yeye, you’re mizzing. Anointed sex is the best man. It even wards of any disease sef and makes the sex worthy of God’s endorsement

      • Pink Panther
        May 17, 20:45 Reply

        Francis, the Holy Spirit cannot even deliver you anymore. Ptueh!

      • Delle
        May 17, 21:00 Reply


        Francis, I can’t with you!

        • Francis
          May 17, 21:39 Reply

          The kind of thoughts that used to run through my mind when I was dating church boy le ex. Chai. Even till date fa when i think about him. ?????????


  11. omiete
    May 17, 23:17 Reply

    For very obvious reasons I cannot date someone who doesnt share the same fate as me, I am christian and am gay and i do not have IH or get guilty conscience and there are lots of people like me and for the other born again peeps just give them time biko, its hard for some people to accept themselves.

    • Oludayo
      May 19, 12:44 Reply

      True that. I am religious and even though I am quite comfortable with my sexuality, the people around me ehn, is another issue.

      Most times, it is not the persons direct cause, he is just projecting what the environment tells him/her.

      As for the question. I would prefer a religious person too, but if someone else ticks my boxes, Abeg why not? Its not as if men that spark my interest are lying around.

  12. Quinn
    May 18, 21:07 Reply

    a lot of things won’t matter if I found that special someone, this is me not settling but opening my heart and willing to compromise. So no his religion won’t matter as long as he loves and respects my own beliefs. like how I don’t believe in religion generally, he should respect that.

  13. Pablo ™
    May 19, 16:56 Reply

    Dicks have got no religion, gon fuck him over and over

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