Tag "Children"

Our Stories 8 Comments

Trevor’s Debt

Every time Trevor speaks with his parents on the phone, I hold my breath so that I don’t catch the palpable tension in the air. He says he feels a

Dear KD 2 Comments

The Proposal: Is There Any Woman (Gay or Straight) Who’d Like To Have A Kid With A Gay Man?

I am a 33-year-old guy who is gay and wants to have children of my own. But I am faced with the challenge of marriage, because I don’t want it.

Opinion Pieces 22 Comments

Opinion: Dwyane Wade’s Kid Underscores How Gender Fluidity Is Erasing Homosexuality

Originally published on The Federalist The gay rights movement was about accepting a person with divergent sexuality. Trans rights are not about accepting people as they are, but sculpting them

The Happenings 3 Comments

Zimbabwean school teacher’s coming out unleashes a furious outcry

A Zimbabwean high school teacher has triggered a furore after coming out to students and parents as gay to pre-empt a newspaper story that would have outed him. Neal Hovelmeier,

Our Stories 1 Comment

Lessons Learned From ‘She Called Me Woman’

I just recently finished reading the collection of stories by Nigerian LGBT women, the book titled She Called Me Woman, and I went through a whole gamut of emotions while

The Happenings 1 Comment

Pamela Adie talks about raising her children sans religion

In a Facebook post, LGBT rights activist and co-founder of The Equality Hub Pamela Adie penned her thoughts on how she would raise her children. And her parenting will involve

Our Stories 8 Comments

A Letter To My Future Children

Dear kids, First, know this: I will love you, no matter what. Do not be ashamed of me because you might come into the world to find out you have

Editor's Desk 11 Comments

In The Case Of A Child Versus Gay Parenting

The following update below is a Facebook update where a case is being made for the child born to same-sex parents. All over the world, same-sex couples are getting married

Editor's Desk 20 Comments

What Advice Would You Give This Mother?

Kindly sound off in the comments.

Series (Fiction) 16 Comments


“Oh no!” I knew that sound too well. And it was followed by little feet stomping down the stairs. I heard something fall with a loud thud and prepared myself