Taylor Swift dedicates Reputation tour speech to LGBT People for Pride Month

Taylor Swift dedicates Reputation tour speech to LGBT People for Pride Month

Pop star Taylor Swift has been taken to task in the past for failing to take a stand on political and social issues but she’s becoming more outspoken. At her Reputation tour show at Chicago’s Soldier Field on Saturday, she went all in for LGBT people with a thoughtful, inspiring speech to kick off Pride month.

For the introduction to her song “Delicate”, Swift shouted out to LGBT people who’ve come out and also to those who have yet to fully come to terms with their identity.

“It’s very brave to be vulnerable about your feelings in any sense, in any situation. But it’s even more brave to be honest about your feelings and who you love and that you know that that might be met with adversity from society,” Swift said. “So this month and every month I want to send out my love and respect to everybody who has been brave enough to be honest about the way they feel, to live their lives as they are, as they feel they should be, as they identify.”

She continued to call out the significance of Pride month saying:

“And this is a month where I think we need to celebrate how far we’ve come but we also need to acknowledge how far we still have left to go. And I want to send my love and respect out to everybody who in their journey hasn’t yet felt comfortable enough to come out and may you do that in your own time. May we end up in a world where everyone can live and love equally and no one has to be afraid to be vulnerable and say how they feel. When it comes to feelings and when it comes to love and searching for someone to spend your whole life with… it’s all just really, really delicate. You know?”

Swift’s fans on social media thanked her profusely for her words and allyship.

Watch the video a fan captured below.

Next US Supreme Court rules in favor of baker who refused to make gay wedding cake, Americans react to the ruling

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  1. Ezra
    June 07, 13:02 Reply

    Awwnn, that’s sweet what about your white supremacists fans, called them out yet or we don’t want to alienate the fan base now do we.

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