tumblr_m8tr2aLSfQ1qd9ql4o1_1280To every man who’s ever been looked in the eye and told he’s too much:

You who left the fold before they folded it off you

You who came out inventing your own how-to-scale-a-wall with on consonants

Let them call you different

Let them bait the minnows of your heart

Show them your heart is a school of fish, a solar system of all moons

When asked, say, “My heart is always causing the mating season.”

When they call you full of yourself, say, “Yes, I do breathe better air.”

Breathe in their scorn and breathe out Eldorado.

Let them come with their glassy, cutting smiles

Let them come with their saw-blade hands

Let them choose easier guys

You’re not easy.

You don’t display your sexual prowess in cubicles filled with self-deduced, open-minded criminals jeering you on

You’re not easy because you’re not like some who date below the line, simply because Madonna and Julia Roberts paved the way for them.

When he tells you he is tossing your broken root out his open window and holds up to the glass a more common man, Surrender.

Gracefully surrender the pretend olive branch of his intimacy while you’ve always stood in shoes too small for you

When he says he is easier to handle, live with, attach to, fuck, I want you to remember your neck

The way it ascends space – and always has – above the rest

You were brought here for so much more than walking two-by-two up a ship plank.

Anyone common enough to go coward at the depth of his love for you wasn’t meant to walk beside you

Love should not have us stoop to fit a portrait.

Love should have us elevate our infinity

So, Uncommon man, don’t settle for less.

Instead, stride towards the ever shedding horizon

Take his example of renewal.

Wear your grief like a party dress!

Remember, the sun’s only lover is not the Earth.

She’s got moons on every planet.

So, go live in the liquid bowl of gold you were handed for a skin

Uncommon man, let the easier man pick up the socks

Embrace your splendid singularity

And look to the rest of us Uncommon men, standing in the centres, holding up the reins.

Written by Vhar

Previous Photo: When Family Doesn’t Mind
Next Photo Of The Day XIX

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  1. kendigin
    April 17, 04:27 Reply

    This is the key of the kingdom
    In that kingdom there is a city
    In that city there is a town………..

    • Vhar.
      April 17, 07:46 Reply

      … In that Town there is a Street
      In that Street, there is a lane.
      On that lane there is a house….

      • Khristopher B!
        April 17, 08:54 Reply

        In that house there are people, amongst the people there are men, holding his head high within the men is the uncommon man.

  2. Mandy
    April 17, 04:48 Reply

    *reading and re-reading those lines* Kai! It is not properly morning yet and Vhar is already eclipsing the nonexistent sun with shade. Shade so skillfully delivered. LOL!

    • Vhar.
      April 17, 07:08 Reply

      Plx Plx and Plx, what are you talking about this fine morning?
      Don’t come and put me in unnecessary trouble you hear Mandy??

  3. Gad
    April 17, 05:28 Reply

    Kd,s poet doing what he knows how to do best. Well done,Vhar

    • Gad
      April 17, 05:31 Reply

      The concept of the uncommon man. Food for thought?

  4. #TeamKizito
    April 17, 05:42 Reply

    I am an Uncommon Man.

    ‘Tis, why I love Vhar.

    Vhar Vhar Voom!

    • Vhar.
      April 17, 07:26 Reply

      Luurh ya too #TeamK.
      Thank you.

  5. Chris
    April 17, 05:44 Reply

    Fantasy…. fantasy, nice poem though.

  6. Masked Man
    April 17, 06:12 Reply

    Well done Vhar. I love the way you used personification. But is this a poem or a litany of praises?

    • Vhar.
      April 17, 07:43 Reply

      Thank you MaskedMan.
      Yeah, a lirru litany.
      Just a lirru.

  7. Mitch
    April 17, 06:30 Reply

    The uncommon man! That statement has hounded me since birth. My parents, my teachers, my friends, my acquaintances, my classmates, in short, almost everybody I know tells me this. However, I don’t see myself as uncommon. Different, yes but uncommon, I have no idea. I bask in my difference.

  8. pinkpanthertb
    April 17, 06:39 Reply

    Be careful, Max. Not everyone believes they’re uncommon. You know, those who don’t think they’re fabulous. *sipping the delicately*

    • Teflondon
      April 17, 06:58 Reply

      Pinky I think this is a nicely written piece.. But that doesn’t still make me fabulous.. Heck! I don’t even want to be fabulous..

    • Chris
      April 17, 07:55 Reply

      Fabulous ko….fabricate ni…lol

    • Max
      April 17, 08:43 Reply

      Oh honey, we’re well aware of your lack of fabulousity, so don’t sweat it.

  9. Teflondon
    April 17, 07:00 Reply

    That man in the pic up there tho*
    Just here thinking of all kinds of things he could do to me…

    **basking in my uncommonness**

    • Vhar.
      April 17, 07:15 Reply

      Bask in it Teffy.
      BASK IN IT…

      • pinkpanthertb
        April 17, 07:30 Reply

        Hehehehee. Vhar-Vhar-Voom, do you know that diaris God in everything we’re doing?

      • Vhar.
        April 17, 07:40 Reply

        Uncle Panther, you want make I “JUMIA” my Classic look to your door step abi?

        *in my Mercy Johnson Voice*

  10. Alice In KDland
    April 17, 07:44 Reply

    “My heart is always causing the mating season”

    Nice piece 🙂

  11. Andrevn
    April 17, 08:10 Reply

    Simply speechless is the word…..”Let them bait the minnows of your heart.Show them your heart is a school of fish, a solar system of all moons.When asked, say, “My heart is always causing the mating season.” When they call you full of yourself, say, “Yes, I do breathe better air.”

    You do not know how so much you’ve made my day…..”Wear your grief like a party dress! Remember, the sun’s only lover is not the Earth. She’s got moons on every planet. So, go live in the liquid bowl of gold you were handed for a skin Uncommon man, let the easier man pick up the socks. Embrace your splendid singularity”…so i’m gonna take this to heart and liquidate my grief.

    Richly shaded i must say and Depthy.
    Ticked all the boxes right with this one.

  12. s_sensei
    April 17, 08:59 Reply

    Gosh, I feel dumb! Vhar, I would like us to discuss this poem line by line via email?

  13. s_sensei
    April 17, 09:05 Reply

    This is absolutely amazing! *scrolling up to read it the fourth time*

  14. sinnex
    April 17, 09:10 Reply

    This is a very BEAUTIFUL piece…but you know what is more beautiful, the man in the picture. Whoever he is and wherever he is, I hope he knows that there is a lonely boy somewhere in the heart of Nigeria who wants him sleeping in his bed. I think I have found my one true love.

  15. Peak
    April 17, 09:31 Reply

    Copying and saving for my next heart break.
    No time to check time, who needs ppl to delude me and tell me I’m special and uncommon when I can chant this and make it sound like a new age incantation.

    Vharlicious-vhar done did it again!!!!!
    Ori e is there bobo yi

  16. Oluwadamilare Okoro
    April 17, 14:11 Reply

    Well written piece.

    I am an uncommon man… so I shall ask, Pinky do u by chance have the contacts of this guy in the picture above… I think I am in love because my D kips nodding at him 🙂

    • Vhar.
      April 17, 14:42 Reply

      Nice. let it keep nodding.

  17. Natural
    April 18, 03:09 Reply

    NICE piece indeed!
    And really Im an uncommon man..well done vhar.
    1st tym here…nice experience…happy to roll wt like enlightened minda.

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