Thirsty? See Tyson Beckford leading the pack in ‘Black Magic Mike’ Movie
Filming is officially underway for Chocolate City, a movie about Black strippers that got greenlit off the success of Magic Mike. Tyson Beckford, Michael Jai White, Robert Ri’chard, Vivica Fox and Ginuwine (singer of the universal stripper anthem “Pony”) are part of the cast. Whether the movie is good or bad…that’s none of my business. My business is, does anyone else see the hot loveliness of my man, Tyson? #sigh
More pictures below.That last picture though… *fanning face* I do so hope he gets to drop those pants in the movie.
September 16, 05:05Tyson, Tyson, Tyson, how many times did I call u? Don’t go breaking young gays’ heart.
shuga chocolata
September 16, 05:24Am not just into him, many informations leaking. I want my man to be private not known and I have that perfect person will be sending his pictures to you pinky.
September 16, 05:26Hmmm nice abs and lovely colour…eh pinky luv…u do luv a full breasted breakfast I see Hmmmm…” eyeing u with my side eye oo”
Dennis Macauley
September 16, 05:32The Queen @Khaleesi will soon come crashing in from her parachute!
You two will have a big fight over this!
September 16, 09:14Hian! But where is Khaleesi ooooooo? I can’t wait for her to storm this post like a hurricane…she’s going to tear her bra and set all her lace-fronts on fire when she sees these pics…
September 16, 05:39Hell yeah! You expect someone to take in all this sexiness and not get thirsty… *inhales musk* High on ‘Tysonsterone’
“If want it (substitute for “horny”) let’s do it, ride it, my pony, my saddle is waiting, come and jump on it”
*singing “Pony” by Ginuwine*
*sips mocaccino*
September 16, 05:49‘Tysonsterone’… Hahahahahahaa!!! Neon, you cray
September 16, 05:49That 3rd to d last pix, of Tyson and that “My cousin skeeter” boy (they grow up so fast and sexy…*sigh*)…look closely at that pix; if Tyson swipes his fore-finger from left to right in rapid succession, he could totally get that boy’s left nipple harder than a pebble…*sips tea*…
Unrelated: wow,tyson beckford’s initials never occurred to me until today…*dis my tea is too sugary*
September 16, 05:53Hahahahahahahaa!!! Everyday, I’m starting to look forward to your comments, Chestie. Your quips ehn… so T-yson B-eckford, ei? I did not see that happening.
September 16, 06:03Hehehe…but his parents named him nah,not me.
September 16, 06:10Lmao! Good one Chestnut. Meanwhile this Cousin Skeeter boy….wow! He’s such a doll now…I won’t mind a piece of that. He looks like a sensitive guy….just my type!
Dennis Macauley
September 16, 05:54Chestnut a Limo is waiting to take you to hell!!
LOL! TysonBeckford? TB? Chai
Tysontestorone? What won’t I hear on KD this morning, the thirst is real
September 16, 06:06Eyah not fair o! Why should I ride to hell just because I prefer using ppl’s actual initials instead of their full names? It saves me time and energy nah; it’s just easier to say “TB” than “Tysoooooooon Beeeeeckfooooorrrrdddd” (too long biko!)…hehehe.
September 16, 06:00But wait o, d last pix, I see TB (by “T.B” I mean Tyson Beckford ooooo!) Standing in front of a sign that looks like “Lavida gentlrMEN’s club…I’ve never seen d “magic mike” movie itself; were they stripping for men or women? Correct me if I’m wrong, a gentleMEN’s club caters to d needs of male clientele,no? *puts kettle on d stove for another cuppa*
Dennis Macauley
September 16, 06:05LOL! It prolly means a strip club were females go to watch strippers who are called gentle men.
Talking about strippers, there are male strippers in Nigeria who are willing to perform for male parties. This guy on twitter runs the show, and boy was it worth it!
September 16, 06:10Do they provide ‘all night services’?
September 16, 06:12“Was worth it”? Spill, spill, spill!!! My ears are as open as a por…*ahem*…well my ears are wide open; start talking,DM!(See,I did it again)
Dennis Macauley
September 16, 06:14LOL! You little slut!
They are strippers, not escorts!
They danced, entertained and then left!
Or did they? *thinking really hard*
September 16, 06:15They danced and ‘entertained’. Right.
September 16, 06:21I doubt that they left….especially since male prostitution has become a thriving industry. I was shocked when my friend who came home for the summer holidays said he paid to get laid…..blimey!!!
Dennis Macauley
September 16, 06:24They left! That’s the version of the story I am sticking to!
*straight face*
September 16, 09:06Hmmm…why don’t I believe u, dennis? My spirit just doubts you; u have strippers who not only hav impressive cakes (most likely), but also know how to “werk” said cakes, within ur reach and u let them go just like that?You,d “cake aficionado”? U haff not confess finish o! *side-eye*
September 16, 09:09Two words, Chestnut: The Missis.
Insidious Miss Meiya
September 18, 05:13I wish I were a guy. I wanna party with you Dennis 🙁
I love strippers! 😀
September 18, 05:23LMAO!!! Male or female strippers, ei Miss Meiya?
Insidious Miss Meiya
September 18, 23:28@Panther both! Except straight male strippers lol they are way too aggressive. Like, listen buddy, I’m not paying you to replicate what you do in the club, I can get that for free! 😀
Also, some of them look very predatory *hides*
Upon further reflection, I think I might have dealt with some ratchet strippers…
September 19, 03:14Hahahahahaa. You think?
September 16, 06:09Aswear, you will kill me this early morning. *laughing hysterically*
September 16, 06:16There’s a British movie about male strippers that was made in the 90s, I can’t remember the name but I remember the theme song being ‘You Sexy Thing’ by Hot Chocolate…. I have a feeling this is a remake.
Couple of guys fell on hard times and becoming strippers was their way out. Was a good movie, would love to see this one, an American remake is always a good step forward.
The Full Monty….. That’s the name of the movie. I’m almost sure this is a remake….
September 16, 09:00“…FELL on ‘HARD’ times”?…lol.this sentence is EVERYTHING!
September 17, 06:26Lmao…..Chestnut you need a major deliverance session….may I offer my services?
September 16, 06:24I used to wonder what people (mostly straight guys) saw in people who stripped till I saw a movie that had male strippers. Then it was “heaven on high! Please take me now before I die from the thirst.” Lol.
Dennis Macauley
September 16, 06:28The Vet is thirsty to? Chai!
*sprinkles holy water on you*
These demons of sluttiness must be exorcised!
September 16, 06:46Hmmm.
September 16, 07:25Aaaaaand we’re back. Lol
September 16, 07:29Hmmm indeed.
September 16, 07:18“Men of God”?
September 16, 07:39*catwalks into diaries , spots tyson , fans self , takes of blouse ,gasping for breath* I fink am having a seizure grandma. Pinkie *fans self more* dennis where u @? U berra come give me mouth #runsaway
Dennis Macauley
September 16, 08:13Mouth to Mouth? Coming up
September 16, 08:15Lol oya hurry up nd pls bring some cds wen coming *winks* *spot mrs macauley nd runs awaay*
September 16, 08:10If I don’t see this movie when its out, then something is terribly wrong somewhere! Tyson Beckford and Michael Jai White… Just what the doctor prescribed.
Mr Bassey
September 16, 11:05Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!He ain’t got no cakes!!!!!!
September 16, 11:46Yassssss!!! Thats what am talkng aboutttt!!!! ***blows a billion jasmine flavoured kisses @ Pinky*** yum yum!! this is the kind of man I mention in my daily prayer points, the prayer runs thus: **one evening am hurrying home from work, a storm is coming so the streets are quiet, as I walk past a dark deserted alley, Tyson Beckford jumps out from behind me and clamps one massive muscled arm arnd my neck, and another hand over my mouth. I panic and try to scream, realise who it is and yield happily as he drags me off Into the dark deserted alley, as always, my berkin purse is adequately stocked with condoms and lube*** Tyson honey,please come and kidnap me!! I promise I wont make file a police complaint. I can just imagine what I’d do to those full juicy succulent lips while I squeeze and slap that tight bubble butt!!! Yum yum!!
September 16, 12:37O boi the thirst is real!!
September 16, 12:43Khaleesi are you sure its just one tall drink of water you need? Cos that your thirst seems unquenchable
September 16, 11:48J’aime ce blog mais je ne peux pas le dire en anglais ; J’avais plutôt dire dans une langue sexy.
September 17, 05:03Oh it’s french now and the frenchy frenzy I hear is TB oriented…hmmm I wonder why you guys never finished revealing the strippers in Nigeria biz….Dennis biko pray tell all coz me thinks to thow a party for all the well known kitodiarians…..oh by the way with pinky’s help and consent ofcoz…and giving them a wow time….cum ooo isn’t it time pinky we do dis?????
September 17, 05:09A KD hangout? That would be totally rad.
September 17, 06:46King, King…I sight you full time. Am still waiting ooo
Insidious Miss Meiya
September 18, 05:16*cries tears* I wanna come. I’m new, but I’m so much fun, I promise
September 17, 05:46… pinky… rad??? eh…
September 17, 06:50My Tyson, my Beckford…pinky darling God bless you this early morning and always for this gift…the sight of my celebrity crush. If only TB knows, so many ways I could please…*looks for my lubrica lube*
September 17, 15:59indeed faggots r ten times hornier dan a straight guy lmaoo so much thirst here sum sistaz weave done scatter finish sef only if dey kud grabb tyson from dia screen n fuck d hell outta dem…watchin E! now and my boo is on aww terrence!!!!
Insidious Miss Meiya
September 18, 05:19Thank the blessed Lord above for this bounty of beautiful black bodies. I got carried away with alliteration because I’m still staring at these pics–my finger kept going back to the same letter…
Channing Tatum was the only dancer with moves in Magic Mike, seriously. Brothers betta represent lol