Todrick Hall’s former assistant accuses performer of abuse

Todrick Hall’s former assistant accuses performer of abuse

Todrick Hall has been under some serious heat for the past few days as someone claiming to be his former assistant took to Twitter to hurling accusations at the “Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels” singer.

The Twitter user named Tommy McKissock says he was Todrick Hall’s personal assistant for years and knows “every detail of his life including deliberate non-payment to people, racism, sexual assault, sexual harassment, online bullying, exploitation, illegal business practices.”

“I don’t want anything out of this,” he tweeted on October 19. “I just want people to know he is a very bad person. He manipulates, hurts & deceives anyone he can use because he is a narcissist. I have many receipts. I produced a docu-series on him. Stay tuned.”

McKissock wrote that he has been “silent for so long” because Hall threatened him “severely.” But now he’s “not scared” of the American Idol alum attacking him online. “He settled his own sexual harassment lawsuit with a former tour manager as well,” he added. “The details are gross.”

He retweeted other users’ allegations that Hall said his backup dancers were “too chocolate,” and he wrote, “After @Todrick became friends with @taylorswift13, he said to me, ‘Taylor’s assistant would not be wearing a fitted hat or Jordan’s. I need you to start looking more white because you look too ethnic and ghetto.’ ACTUAL QUOTE and NO HAT rule went into effect.”

McKissock also included Chester Lockhart, an actor featured in the “Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels” music video, in his accusations. “I remember when I was on tour with @todrick during Straight Outta Oz and @chesterlockhart aggressively came behind me on the tour bus and put his hand down my pants and grabbed my dick,” he wrote. “In the legal world, they call this sexual assault and todrick punished ME after I told him.”

Additionally, McKissock shared screenshots of what he says is “a sexual harassment lawsuit @Todrick settled earlier this year.” He also alleged that Hall has an “obsession with strippers and escorts,” claiming that hiring escorts for Hall was part of his job.

For his part, Hall has yet to publicly comment on the allegations.

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  1. Mandy
    October 24, 09:32 Reply

    Scandalous. Just scandalous. Hasn’t Todrick been formerly accused of being colorist or something, favoring white people to his black brothers? SMH. That last tweet though about his friend whose Todrick’s thirst is helping his career. LMAO. Oyibo gay community is apparently just as messed up as Naija gay community. This whole thing reminds me of the body-builder mess Dennis Macaulay found himself on Twitter a few months ago.

      • Mandy
        October 24, 11:27 Reply

        Ah. You didn’t know? It was all over twitter at the time. The sheer messiness of it all. Complete with receipts. Dude’s hypocrisy was stanking up twitter. Wouldn’t know where to direct you to to locate the tea now.

  2. Delle
    October 25, 22:03 Reply

    Quite frankly, I won’t be surprised if thiebturns out to be true.
    Oh well, I never have really cared about him.

    Dislike the singer, like the song?

    *puts I LIKE BOYS on cue*

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