Tweet of the Day: Believe in Love for the Nigerian Gay Man

The general consensus is that love is not a thing in the Nigerian dating scene, a sentiment that was emphasized by this conversation previously posted here on Kito Diaries.

But a KDian on Twitter begs to differ. 

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From The Net 5 Comments

Tweet Of The Day XVIII

LOL! ‘Nuff said!

From The Net 2 Comments

10 most satisfying clapbacks at homophobes in internet history

1. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 2. Some kind of magic. 3. What’s in a name? 4. Learn how to look, my dude. 5. “Theatre without gays is like cooking without spices.” 6.


  1. Aiv-4
    April 21, 08:49 Reply

    Despite the whole hookup culture, i still believe in the possibility of love, especially with Nigerian gay men. I’ve once had the opportunity to experience love, and in as much as it needed to end because of societal pressure (which plays a predominant role in this discourse).
    Nevertheless, i choose to believe that there’s someone out there for everyone . Just like the above tweet said ….”The chances may be slim, doesn’t mean it’d never happen “

  2. Malik
    April 21, 11:27 Reply

    Good luck. Come back when you’ve found what you’re looking for. We’ll be here to comanjoinyousinghalleluyah.

    • Cocent
      April 21, 15:54 Reply

      Don’t be mean Malik. Let him have hope

  3. NaijaTgal
    April 23, 19:14 Reply

    Love… Funny topic that seems to crop up a lot, but what about ‘self love’? Look, you have to love yourself before you can give or receive anything real.
    I once met a guy who fell hard for me and it took me sometime but I fell for him also. We enjoyed each other and it was a blissful romance, but soon his insecurities got the better of him and he started getting too possessive. Long story short, we broke up over his beliefs that all gay guys were ‘the same’ and would ultimately cheat… not to be trusted. I felt hurt and insulted, because his friends sold that idea to him.

    THIS IS WRONG O! If you believe you deserve something it will manifest, so be careful what you believe guys…stop propagating lies that you are unlovable. I have dated happily and cohabited for long periods with partners after that, so it possible for you also, the above story shows the lies that go around, don’t believe them. YOU ARE WORTHY AND DESERVING OF LOVE …NEVER FORGET IT!!

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