In Response To The Hate, #TwoMenKissing and #TwoWomenKissing Storm The Social Media

In Response To The Hate, #TwoMenKissing and #TwoWomenKissing Storm The Social Media

There is one thing you can do to further the cause the victims of the Pulse shooting died for: pucker up.

“I read the quote about how the killer had been upset about two men kissing and I was thinking about how much that’s happened in my life of where people are afraid of such an innocuous image,” said Hollywood producer and illustrator Shadi Petosky. She had the perfect response: #TwoMenKissing.

If his father is to be believed, terrorist Omar Mateen wasn’t driven by fundamentalist zeal or any kind of religious ideology when he murdered fifty people and wounded dozens of others at a gay club in Orlando early Sunday morning.

Instead, his actions were a direct response to his disgust and discomfort upon witnessing two gay men kissing in downtown Miami several months back.

In light of this revelation, social media channels have been lighting up with hundreds of photos of men and women engaged in lip locks with members of their same sex. These hashtag campaigns– #TwoMenKissing and #TwoWomenKissing — are a direct response to the attacker’s motivations, and a strong antidote to the legions of right-wing bigots and terroristic trolls taking to Twitter to excitedly praise Mateen’s actions.

Here’s a few of the photos defying the hatred with a kiss:kiss1kiss2kiss3kiss15kiss4kiss5kiss6kiss7kiss8kiss9kiss10kiss11kiss12kiss16kiss17kiss13kiss14

Previous The Piece About How Far Some Will Go To Ignore Homophobia

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  1. Mandy
    June 14, 05:47 Reply

    Love Always.
    Pride Always.
    No matter what, two men will always kiss. And two women will always kiss.

  2. Kainene
    June 14, 06:58 Reply

    LGBTQ pride!

  3. Shuga chocolata
    June 14, 09:33 Reply

    Two men will always kiss.
    Two women will always kiss
    Men and women will always kiss……



  4. Truth
    June 14, 10:49 Reply

    The one with Jesus got me ?

  5. Delle
    June 14, 12:27 Reply

    Na wa o, they had to include Jesus. Hian.

    PP, one day, mine would be amongst those up there. *smiling dreamily*

    • Mandy
      June 14, 19:49 Reply

      Amen! I claim it for me too.

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