Supermodel With A Super Nasty Attitude? Tyson Beckford Puts Down Aspiring Nigerian Model, D9gerianking

Supermodel With A Super Nasty Attitude? Tyson Beckford Puts Down Aspiring Nigerian Model, D9gerianking

I’m not sure I love Tyson Beckford anymore. I can’t deal with the way he handles young models who aspire to him. First Keith Carlos. Now, Nigerian model, Pablo Escobar, who goes by the moniker ‘D9gerianking’ on Instagram. (Even though I don’t see anything Nigerian about his name)

D9gerianking believes he’s a doppelganger for Tyson Beckford, and looks up to the 45-year-old American male model as a role model. But he was very recently shaken out of his worship for Beckford on (where else?) Instagram, following a photo and caption he updated on his page. Beckford came for him, and the following ensued.13410724230_863716947012637_53744603_n

Oh, and predictably, apparently Tyson has blocked D9gerianking on IG. *shaking my head* This dude though.Pictures1

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  1. Mercury
    March 02, 06:29 Reply

    Gosh,what an asshole……..Oh yeah, that @mrs_baynes2u tho, she finished Tyson tho, ” old ass, gotta suck a dick in d DL nigga?” Really????, LMAO!!!!

    • Mercury
      March 02, 07:35 Reply

      I was first to comment????, whoop whoop!!!

  2. Dennis Macaulay
    March 02, 06:37 Reply

    What a narcissistic prick! Omg!
    #StillTheOnlyBlackMaleSuperModel? Really? Is that what this is about?
    He is just insecure and terrified about being dethroned. Why has he not retired sef?
    Pink panther the kind of men you get entangled with!

    • pinkpanthertb
      March 02, 06:38 Reply

      Oh shurrup! Can’t you see I’m still grieving my breakup with him? *dabbing at teary eyes* oh Tyson, why did you have to go and be such an asshole…? *sniff sniff*

      • shuga chocolata
        March 02, 06:45 Reply

        Epic @ pinky very epic, come let me console you with my broad shoulder.

      • Mercury
        March 02, 07:31 Reply

        Sorry honey… least you still have my idris to fool and with, yes ours is an open relationship.

        • pinkpanthertb
          March 02, 07:38 Reply

          *sending a message to the witches in Mercury’s village* Yes, it’s time. Y’all can go ahead according to plan.

      • Mercury
        March 02, 08:01 Reply

        Taaaaaa, I’m an eyeyen, the witches can’t do shit to me, abi they want die ni. Better take my offer.

    • Lanre S
      March 02, 08:46 Reply

      Yeah insecure is the word . Huge ego small prick. Like Peak said, there are many examples…like that Classic Madonna interview where she called Lady Gaga “reductive”, and when the interviewer asked her to explain, she answered “Look it up” while dragging a long sip for dramatic effect from her cup of Lipton Yellow Label Tea.

  3. Gad
    March 02, 06:43 Reply

    Quite unfortunate. This is a small picture of what Africans especially Nigerians suffer in the hands of foreigners. I say foreigners to accommodate Asians and black Americans etc. That’s what a people get when they constantly look up to others for validation in virtually all spheres of life

    • Mandy
      March 02, 07:03 Reply

      There’s nothing wrong with having role models. It is not validation they are there for. it is inspiration. There’s a difference.

      • Gad
        March 02, 10:18 Reply

        Your response as correct as it is hasn’t made mine wrong. The points I made remains valid until the average African sees value in himself above all else

  4. chestnut
    March 02, 06:57 Reply

    Pinky, I’m not even mad at u for using a pix of Tyson without his make-up on,lol…genius!

  5. Tony Odekunle-Brown
    March 02, 06:59 Reply

    The crush is officially over. Very obvious he feels threatened. Funny thing is that this happens in all industries. A lot of times, the ones you look up to are the ones that put you down

  6. Bobby
    March 02, 07:04 Reply

    Mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewssss. **looks d other way** he’s not even fine sef. Mtcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewsssssss.

    • Mandy
      March 02, 07:06 Reply

      LOL. Now, now, let’s not be catty. He IS fine. He just doesn’t have the attitude that should go with it.

      • Chris
        March 02, 12:35 Reply

        Yes@ Mandy, the dude (Tyson) is fine. It is just the attitude and his insensitivity that needs to be worked on. He spoke fact about the issue but the approach to the matter is wrong.

  7. wazzosgrotto
    March 02, 07:06 Reply

    Tyson has always been a mega Queen B. Ain’t nothing new there ;D

  8. Peak
    March 02, 07:10 Reply

    SMH @ PP! Why is ur love so conditional? Ur Man is caught acting up a couple of times and its already over? What ever happened to “ride with u till the end and holding it down for him”?

    Nigga is just protecting his throne like any queen would! Long Live Queen becky jare! Abi Na Queen B I go call am lol!

    Good morning Y’all

    • pinkpanthertb
      March 02, 07:26 Reply

      Hahahahaa. Peak, limme abeg. So what if I am a good time lover… Mmhmm? So?

  9. Oluwadamilare Okoro
    March 02, 07:11 Reply

    Hmmmm and tyson beckford get time ooo… thought he’s supposed to be ‘busy’.

    Anywaiz Shebi ‘that’ research said it: good looking guys are selfish and assholes. LOL

    Smh4him tho

  10. KingBey
    March 02, 07:14 Reply

    Handsomeness with a bad attitude = 0 for me. He needs to get off his high horse and accept the reality that he’s getting old and that new fresh boys are taking over. Why is he even still a model at 45? I can’t deal avec ! *sips Viju milk*

      • trystham
        March 02, 10:35 Reply

        Obvious na. The struggle to remain relevant na. He knows nothing. They av remove throne from his nyash.

        That said, this aspiring Model’s spelling tho. It packs a heavy punch everytime I read through his tweets. Hian!!!

      • DeadlyDarius
        March 02, 14:27 Reply

        The spelling grates my nerves….its grammar, c’mon!

    • Chris
      March 02, 12:49 Reply

      Just saying, some dudes are late bloomers and some from the word go. Sex appeal can’t be bought. It is either you have it or you dont , regardless of ones age group. However it is all vanity at the end of the day.

  11. Metrosexual
    March 02, 07:15 Reply

    Tyson Beckford has achieved alot as a model…. Definitely, at some point, the insecurity would roll in, because he still needs the feeling to be relevant, failing to realize that hes getting old…
    I love the way the Carlos guy wasnt all nasty.. ( I need to know the correlation between Carlos and sexiness… (Keith Carlos,anyone.?). Even my next door homie Olumide gets picked up by a New York modelling agency, and “badaboom”.. His name is now Carlos)

    Buh the nigerian dude is sexy sha… Id take his 5.9′ cock..over Tyson Beckford. Tyson beckford isnt so tall either. Hes just 6.0’….a few inches to 5.9′.. So y is he bitching sef.. Na wa ooh.!

  12. Mitch
    March 02, 07:36 Reply

    Narcissist much, huh Tyson? Seriously I wonder why some OLD men feel like all the validation they need for their continued existence is constant bitching and bad attitude. Tueh!

    Ihe ojoo gbaa afo!

    • Pete
      March 02, 07:43 Reply

      I see what you did there

    • chestnut
      March 02, 07:57 Reply

      @Mitch: niggah u think u’re slick,but u ain’t slick; I saw what u did there! LMAO

    • Mitch
      March 02, 12:28 Reply

      Hian! So sombori cannot say something without you peepu spotting shades, abi? You pipu shuu leff me oh

  13. Peak
    March 02, 07:47 Reply

    Lol funny thing is that what is doing is perfectly natural. Dude is just being territorial, which is in our nature.
    Remember that brillian/A student in ur class that everybody is always trying to best? Do u remember the look on his face when someone bested him in a test or exam? And the attitude that follows? Remember when u showed up out of no where one day looking fresher and flyer than the cool kids on ur block? Remember how they tried to put u back in ur place? Remember how mummy wants to get that new wrapper so she can show those other women in church/meeting that she is up to per cos they kept putting her down and the harder she tries, they always find ways to belittle her efforts?
    Like someone said it happens in every industry! Naomi Campbell anyone? Mariah carey/Madonna/aretha Franklin and their ability to throw flawless shades @ young acts, janice Dickson?? Obasanjo??? Lol
    I’m not encouraging his behaviour, but he’s just acting on his basic human instinct to protect his niche………..either way his one petty Queen *sighs*

      • Chris
        March 02, 12:43 Reply

        @ Peak , i like your submission though, Just that Tyson should handle the matter with more maturity.
        to whom much is given……

  14. Max
    March 02, 08:45 Reply

    Pinky, I saw what you did here.. Continue..
    Tyson though, he’s supposed to be more than this..

  15. Eros
    March 02, 09:49 Reply

    Aunty Becky should go and rest biko. First Keith Carlos and now this? Instead of him to be graceful about this like a queen that he is, he had to go all claws and talons on the guy like a banshee. If I didnt know better I’d think he was suffering from hot flashes due to men-o-stop. Anuohia!!!

  16. Eric
    March 02, 12:02 Reply

    Tyson is such a bitch!!! Lool… Y can’t he just be Nice and say wish u all the best Bro!!

    • pinkpanthertb
      March 02, 12:04 Reply

      Finish ooo! Just to say ‘wish you the best’ and then be on your merry way, that was too difficult for him.

      • DeadlyDarius
        March 02, 14:37 Reply

        Even if the dude is Iyanya’s height, must he point it out? ‘I’m just saying what they’ll tell u at the modeling agency’… u go give am him transport fare?


  17. Khaleesi
    March 02, 14:42 Reply

    ***stifles yawn*** an old queen who’s face has been seen one too many times struggling desperately to clutch onto her faded tiara … father time will soon take care of her, you can only keep the wrinkles and sagginess at bay for so long, 50 is around the corner and 55…60 … are right on its heels, leave her to be there bitching, one day she’ll wake up and discover that her jowls are saggy and her arms flabbed out – that’s when realisty MUST sink in …

  18. Anakin Skywalker
    June 25, 07:32 Reply

    D9gerianking can’t even spell, and thinks as highly of himself as he did his so-called “idol.” Beckford was telling the truth, however, about the height. Could he have been more tactful? Sure. But the loudmouth short model coming backs with the brands he alleged he’ll work with in the future, as well as how his height will be meaningless when he’s driving a re-badged Chevy with leather that’ll lose it’s 45% of its value in a year

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