Waka Pass Diaries (I’m So Gay)

Waka Pass Diaries (I’m So Gay)

September 19

I am currently reading Caitlyn Jenner’s book, The Secrets of My Life, and she wasn’t kidding when she said she held nothing back. She walks the reader back to where it all began – as a troubled, insecure boy growing up in Conservative America and growing into a public image with private shadows. There’s so much I’m learning about the woman who used to be Bruce Jenner and about the struggles of the transgender person, how unique these struggles are from the average LGBT individual, and yet how similar.

It’s a very interesting book, but then I happen upon some lines that bear absolutely no humour, but I find myself seeing the ‘gay’ in them.

For instance, she had this to say in Chapter 3:

“I go to my first football practice. Although I have played quarterback in high school, I have also played a lot of other positions – running back, a little receiver. On defense I play safety, and it is my best position. It’s a lot more satisfying to hit than to get hit. I can throw the ball fifty to sixty yards without much problem. The greater question is where exactly throw it. Receivers, in my experience, are often fleeting objects that suddenly disappear.”

Now, can somebody please tell me I’m not the only one who sees gay sex roles, safe sex and bottom shaming all neatly tied up in that paragraph. lol

Written by Pink Panther

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    • Malik
      September 20, 07:03 Reply

      Asswear!!! I just lost concentration at that photo.

      • Foxydevil
        September 20, 07:59 Reply

        Pretty, hope you woke up well.You know I love you. ?
        My love for a man that reads though, anytime you turn the pages of that book, you turn me on.
        Pinky my love
        Pinky my heart
        Pinky the only one for me

        • Mandy
          September 20, 08:06 Reply

          ?????? Foxy, warrisit? Leave Pink Panther alone na.

        • Peaches
          September 20, 09:43 Reply

          @Foxydevil your loving “My Pp” is like trying to sneak daylight past a rooster! Tell us what all these praises are about this very morning? ???? That mischief you are cooking is choking me the hell out.

  1. Mandy
    September 20, 08:08 Reply

    Receivers as fleeting objects. This bottom shaming on a whole other level. Caitlyn Jenner, how dare you? ????

  2. Peaches
    September 20, 09:46 Reply

    And pp have you found the secret between Caitlyn and her step daughters’ black boys? That is the closet I am most interested in seeing ?.

  3. Ojukwu Jeff
    September 20, 11:11 Reply

    Fuck you Cait!….. If am not there to receive your shots then you’ll bitterly shoot into the air. I pray you somehow get to read this….

  4. Yazz Soltana
    September 20, 12:52 Reply

    Is it me or Caitlyn Jenner looks like Jessica Lange of American Horror Story.. ..
    The two Mamas look alike

  5. Kamar
    September 20, 15:43 Reply

    You sure can read in-between the lines…
    By the way, what’s that ‘Tall Glass of Fresh Orange Juice’ on the screen? I seriously need a gulp

    • Malik
      September 20, 17:55 Reply

      Gulp ke? I want the full glass, plus the bottle gan…

  6. Gad
    September 21, 01:57 Reply

    This term bottom shaming could be annoying. The roles we play are compliments. Non is superior and non is inferior. A top needs a bottom to be top if not he becomes a bottom. And vise versa .

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